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November 2021

You’ve Got Mail | New Stamp Locations


Just like the start of that movie, those three words can make your day. And now, you can actually send and receive mail almost anywhere in SL.

Main Post Office - Pick Up Mail
Pick Up Mail

The Bellisseria Bureau of Bureaucracy has introduced a mail system – that is right.. you can actually send and receive mail to/from your friends. This includes both objects and notecards – the only caveat is that whatever you send has to be transferable.

You can set up a mailbox on your property and it will indicate when you receive mail. Then you click the box and receive it. Or if you prefer, you can go to your local post office to collect the mail. If you want to send mail to someone else, you will have to go to the post office to send it.

Send Mail
Send Mail from this Post Box

The first release came out on November 12 to serve residents of Bellisseria. More precisely, if you wanted to rez a mailbox at your property, you could only do that in Bellisseria. It was still possible to send mail to non-Bellisserian residents, they would just have to go to the Bellisseria post office to pick it up.

The service was expanded on November 18 to serve all of SL. Two new post offices were added, Horizons Post office and Sansara Post Office. If you obtain a mail box from either of those post offices, you can rez it anywhere in SL to receive Mail.

Main Post Office
Main Post Office

To send mail, you have to go to a post office. Look for the red UK-style post box outside. Touch it and a data entry field pops up. Type in either the person’s Legacy Name (login name) OR their UUID and hit "Enter". Then use the control key and drag the Object or Notecard from inventory into that post box.

If you would like to set up your own mail box at home, you can get a free one from the Post Office. Note: if you are setting it up in any non-Bellissaria parcel, you must NOT use the one from the Main Post Office… that Post Office still only services Bellisseria. You can grab a mail box instead from either the Horizons or Sansara Post Offices. It will work on any valid SL Parcel, as long as the BBB Experience is enabled there. When you first try to use your rez your new mail box, it will ask you to accept the BBB Experience. Be sure to enable that or the mailbox wont work.

Finally if you would like to receive mail but do NOT want to rez a mailbox, you can go to the post office and look for the wall of PO boxes. Click anywhere on that wall to receive your mail.

There is one caveat to this mail system ... if you send a notecard or object to someone, they must claim it within 7 days or the system considers it “stale” and deletes it.

This SL Postal System arrives just in time for the holiday season. It is a bit better than the Real Life Post Office, because you dont have to stand in line for 30 minutes to send your Holiday Packages.

Article and photos by Teresa Firelight


Magellen Linden Bear - 1We have six new locations this week and one revival! The first of two new LDPW locations is Squall Public Beach at the end of Route 7 on Gaeta V. If you go for a wander nearby, you'll find Magellan Linden's Bear in a tent on the LDPW campsite. We've never encountered a randomly-placed Linden Bear before, have you?

Kingpost is a public dock and rez zone on your editor's home continent of Satori and is the home of the Salty Mole Tavern, which features on the stamp.

The first of our privately-owned locations this week is also on Satori, in the region of Willowtail. It is a public airport in the south of the continent with easy access to the Blake Sea and Southern Continents. One of its claims to prominence is "the nicest airport bathroom in SL!" 

Housed in the RPG HQ of the SL Guardian Angels is the office of the Second Life Newser

Your source of news about the people, places, things, and events across Second Life

It's a venerable SL publication with a suitably old school HQ build and – now – a wonderfully old-fashioned stamp!

Next is a limited edition stamp for the Holidazzle Imagination Station charity event to raise money for the Charge Syndrome Foundation. It's an excellent cause so please consider making a donation when you visit to pick up your stamp. The event is already underway and runs until January 31, 2022. 

Haiku's Free Museum is yet another Satori location. It's a philanthropic operation designed to promote art and bring it into the homes of residents who might not otherwise visit galleries. The owner buys the rights to the art from the artists at many times the usual price, on terms that she can place the images on resizeable prims and give them away to visitors! The artists featured include some of the "big names" of SL art. You can pick up as many artworks as you like for no charge! It's her way of giving back to the SL community. Be sure to browse when you visit to collect your stamp. You can have an amazing collection of art in SL for free.

As an SL aviator himself, your editor was delighted to see Abbot's Historical Airport featured this week. It is the oldest active airport in SL (established 2004). It has been dormant for about a year but it's good to see this venerable SL institution back in the guide. If you've already collected it, be aware that the stamp is not new.

Squall Public Beach BBB Stamp Locations 2.001 Screenshot 2021-11-06 at 16.31.33
BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.002 Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 15.09.10
Willowtail Airfield
BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.005 Screenshot 2021-11-16 at 15.46.19
SL Newser BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.004 Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 15.00.41
Holidazzle Imagination Station BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.005 Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 15.33.50
Haiku's Free Museum BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.006 Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 15.35.23
Abbotts Historical Airport BBB Stamp Locations Abbots Airport Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 16.22.03

Grand Opening Ceremony in Corsica | Ghost Train | Postcard from the Beebs | New Stamp Locations


Abnor Mole presents the key to HE Jack Vincent
Abnor Mole presents the key of the Embassy to His Excellency Jack Vincent, Hon. Ambassador to Corsica  | Photo: © Prudence Anton

Yesterday at 12 noon SLT, His Excellency Jack Vincent, Honorary Ambassador, welcomed Abnor Mole and other distinguished guests to the Grand Opening of Bellisseria's new permanent embassy to the mainland continent of Corsica. Abnor gave a gracious speech before handing over the key to the embassy and the Hon. Ambassador spoke eloquently in response. 

Grand OpeningThe official part of the evening having been dealt with, the assembled guests enjoyed a formal ball – we hope, the first of many! 


Ghost Train SpottedJust as you thought Halloween was over and done with, reports have been pouring in from anonymous sources about the infamous SLRR Ghost Train spotted at Bellisseria's very own Red Hook Station. 

The Gazette`s brave photographers managed to capture one photograph as terrified onlookers fled the scene.

"It was really scary" said one witness "be careful near the railway at midnight! It was luring in innocent passengers and then it sped off very fast towards Pugwash!"

Another witness told us: "actually it was pretty cool but the crew look a bit thin - I think they need a bowl of porridge"

A local hobo was too frightened to give a statement - he just fell down and drank from his bottle of wine.

It seems like the safe and beautiful rail roads of Bellisseria just got a bit more exciting!



We have five new locations to collect visa stamps for your passport this week. Our beloved Moles have placed two at mainland locations. The first is at Lordshore Bridge on the mainland continent of Jeogeot; immediately to the South of Bellisseria. The stamp terminal is actually on a scenic overlook/picnic area with a view of the suspension bridge, which is one of the most impressive public works on mainland. The second LDPW location is the Bay City Municipal Airport, which is in 1930s Art Deco style. Bay City was added to the continent of Sansara in 2008 and described at the time as

the American urban experience, between 1940 and 1965, perhaps best typified by Chicago circa 1950

The airport doubles as an infohub for the area.

Callahan's Place is a new addition to the bars/cafés category. It's an Irish pub, if ever we saw one (though a fancy one with a pool). It describes itself as a "crosstime saloon" however and there's a slight sci-fi vibe. A policy of insisting that time-travellers pay cash suggests it's visited by Gallifreyan time-lords with their loose financial morals!

If you're thinking of moving to a plant-based diet, Vegan HQ on the Gaeta V continent has all the information you could possibly need. It also has vegan topiary. Enigma Hall in Heterocera has a railway station, a stately home and a lighthouse. All are "open to the public on all days with a 'y' in them".

Lordshore Bridge BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.001 Screenshot 2021-11-08 at 13.30.08
Bay City Municipal Airport BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.002 Screenshot 2021-11-08 at 13.31.39
Callahan's Place BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00 copy.001 Screenshot 2021-11-11 at 15.45.46
Vegan HQ BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.001 copy Screenshot 2021-11-11 at 15.46.35
Enigma Hall BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.003 Screenshot 2021-11-19 at 22.10.49

The Bellisseria Post Office Opens | Congratulations to Bellisseria's new Honorary Ambassadors to Corsica and Heterocera | Nominations invited for Hon Ambassadors to other Continents | New Stamp Locations


BBB Post Office_001
The BBB is proud to announce our latest new and exciting service for you - The Post Office! This is a brand new innovation - the only one of its kind in SL, allowing you to both send and receive mail by Object or Notecard. Right now, we cover all of Bellisseria. We will be expanding to cover the whole grid very soon.

To participate - Teleport to BBB Post Office and choose your free mail box. Follow the included instructions and you are all set! On the counter you will find a basic card-making kit to which you can add your own textures. You will receive regular mail from BBB staff members and we highly encourage you to send personal letters and cards to your friends.

As with all BBB ventures - Everything you need to participate is provided for free. Just add your own creativity and enjoy. We look forward to hearing from you!


We offer our congratulations to Their Excellencies Ghostie (theghostofghost.resident) and Jack Vincent (idlingwastrel) on their respective appointments as Bellisseria's Honorary Ambassadors to the mainland continents of Heterocera and Corsica. They will take up their roles immediately and will set about building contacts with local residents. 

The embassy in Corsica opens today in the Timescape region on the Circuit de Corse highway. There will be an opening ceremony (details to follow) on 19th November at which Abnor Mole will hand over the keys to the embassy to H.E. Jack Vincent. The ceremony will be followed by a formal ball (dress code: evening wear).

His Excellency Jack Vincent has homes in both Bellisseria and Corsica. The embassy in Heterocera is under construction and its location will be announced shortly, together with the date of the formal opening ceremony.

We now have 1,024 square metre plots of land on each of SL's mainland continents on which to build permanent Bellisserian Embassies. As a Bellisserian institution, we want to reach out to the rest of SL. Bellisseria is gradually expanding to connect the mainland continents in new ways and we believe that all parts of SL have an important role to play. The strictly non-commercial /residential-only covenant in Belli should give rise to commercial opportunities on the lengthening border with mainland for example.

There's a great sense of community in Bellisseria, but also an openness to participation by all SL'ers in our activities and events. Bellissarians actively welcome visitors from all over SL and we hope our embassies will help develop ever more friendly relationships.

They will also serve as a platform for new services from the BBB to mainlanders. Watch this space for news of that!


We have yet to appoint Bellisserian Honorary Ambassadors to the continents of Sansara, Satori, Nautilus, Gaeta, and Jeogeot. If you are interested in any of these roles or wish to nominate a suitable candidate, please apply to Boo Rojyo – founder and CEO of the BBB – in-world. 


We have two new LDPW locations this week. Our beloved Moles have placed a stamp terminal on the island of the Leviathan Skeleton – a well known landmark (or is that seamark?) to SL's sailing community. Now you can collect a stamp when next you sail by. They've also placed one at the new Fantasy Community Center, one of the most beautiful places in SL – perhaps the Moles’ masterpiece to date.  Then we have the Litterbox bar and bowling alley and the Friendship Valley Pit Stop – a roadside gas station on Route 1 in Cleora.

Dragon Freight is an elevated rail yard and roadside GTFO! location. It's on Route 1 in Heterocera, which runs around the inner Atoll coast. Explorers are welcome and there's coffee in the cantina! DeyjaVoo's Great Escape is a beautiful location in the Nature category, which offers wonderful photo-opportunities. Finally, there's a new location (but not a new stamp) for Bellisseria's Embassy to Corsica. 

Fantasy Community Center BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.001 copy Screenshot 2021-11-09 at 20.55.16
Leviathan skeleton BBB Stamp Locations 2.002 Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 11.11.30
The Litterbox BBB Stamp Locations 30 Oct 2021.005 Screenshot 2021-11-03 at 15.19.25
Friendship Valley Pit Stop BBB Stamp Locations 30 Oct 2021.007 Screenshot 2021-11-09 at 21.11.19
Dragon Freight BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.001 Screenshot 2021-11-08 at 23.11.47
DeyjaVoo's Great Escape BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.002 Screenshot 2021-11-08 at 23.12.38
Corsica Embassy (relocation - no new stamp)
BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.001 Screenshot 2021-11-09 at 21.12.51

Honorary Ambassadors | The Social Event of the Bellisseria Season | Mainland train passport tours | New Stamp Locations


E74F727C-6FA4-4C26-A2BD-7F6B8E60FE9DWe are about to recruit Bellisserian Honorary Ambassadors to the Mainland continents of Sansara, Satori, Nautilus, Gaeta, Corsica, Heterocera, and Jeogeot. We will be opening embassies on each continent Soon®. The first will be on Corsica.

The role of Honorary Ambassador will be an interesting and fun annual appointment. It's official only insofar as it's sanctioned by the Bellisserian Bureau of Bureaucracy, which is responsible for running the embassies. The role is open to all current Bellisserian residents.

If not already holders of a Bellisserian passport, Hon. Ambassadors will need to apply on appointment. A special diplomatic passport will be issued in due course.

Each Hon. Ambassador will have access to the Ambassador's Office in their embassy, which will double as a Function Room. They will represent and advocate for Bellisseria on the relevant continent. They'll be expected to get close to local residents and also to become their advocate within Bellisseria. 

For example if that continent has an established railroad system they might want to join all the local and SL-wide Rail Groups to raise their profile. All embassies are accessible either by road or rail. 

Hon. Ambassadors will be expected to organise an official event at least once every two months. This might, for example, be a 'grand ball' in the Embassy Function Room, or an accompanied tour of the continent. The frequency and type of events will be up to them. This is a new role, and they will have the the opportunity to develop it in their own style – as long as they represent Bellisseria in a good light.

Ambassadors will be appointed by, but not employees of, the Bellisserian Bureau of Bureaucracy as they need some level of independence. However they will have the full support of the BBB both in spirit and action. We will help with publicity for events and provide support where resources permit.

The salary is identical to that of all BBB staff, i.e. zero! However we can promise a one hundred per cent pay rise every month!! This should be a fun role for residents who enjoy networking and want to know SL better. Hon. Ambassadors  will get the opportunity to dress up, look important, and have a groovy title!

Seriously though, if you are interested in becoming an Hon Ambassador for Bellisseria, watch for announcements in the BBBug Group and here at the BBB Gazette. 

Article and photo by Boo Rojyo, Founder & CEO of the BBB

Riot Hax and Kalia Anatine are celebrating their wedding. It will be the inaugural event at the new Bellisseria Fantasy Community Center region, which opens at 11am SLT today. This very special event will continue until 10pm SLT tomorrow.
Everyone is invited and LMs / SLURLs will be distributed today via the following groups: 
  • Bellisseria Citizens
  • Bellisseria Events
  • BBBug
  • Parade of Homes
  • Bellis Blues Café
For 14 years their love has grown and been shared in both worlds and now also encompasses the joy of family. After a 9 month SL pregnancy, on January 24th, 2020 they shared with all their friends in Bellisseria the news of the birth of their SL babies Amelia Abigail Hax and Aaron Edward Hax.

Article by Prudence Anton. Photos by Sinful Galaga.


click to enlarge

At long last, the Heterocera Mainline SLRR track will have a BBB Passport touring leg going through it. It will cover a stretch of about one-quarter to one-third of it, from NorTon John's Biker Bar in Sweet Bay all the way up to SwiftWater Valley in Concinna.

There are 5 stamps to collect in all, and they are evenly spread out, so there will be little chance for boredom, as we pass through the quasi-industrial southwest area, up to the more remote parts of the region. 

All of this in an attempt to recognize what Second Life residents have presented for public consumption on the SL Mainland. 

Incidentally, the Heterocera SLRR main line is the longest stretch of railroad in Second Life.  Stay tuned to the Gazette and the BBBug for more details.

Article and photo by Cranston Yordstorm


You have just one day to collect the first of this week's new stamps. It's a special event stamp for the wedding described in our lead article. This stamp is so ephemeral, it's never even going to make it into the Online Travel Guide! It is available today only so don't miss it. There is no SLURL here as the region will not be released until the wedding starts, so monitor your Bellisseria Groups for the location!

We have a new art gallery / studio in Bellisseria – Shakti Studio. Shakti Adored is an American photographer, acrylic and digital painter. If you'd like to visit more art galleries in Bellisseria, there's a useful guide here – including some that (shame!) don't offer visa stamps to visitors. 

The two new LDPW locations this week, where our beloved Moles have placed stamp terminals on public land, are at Libestus Pier and Seven Chickens Bridge.

[As always, please click on photos and stamp images to see full-sized versions]

Wedding of Riot Hax & Kalia Anatine

BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.001 Riot_and_Kalia_Stamp_2
Shakti Studio BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.004 Screenshot 2021-11-03 at 08.32.21
Libestus Pier BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.002 Screenshot 2021-10-30 at 19.59.43
Seven Chickens Bridge BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.003 Screenshot 2021-10-30 at 20.01.42