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SL Renaissance Festival: The Silk Road Travel Permit | Trucking with the CPCB | Events Announcements | New Locations


The third annual Renaissance Festival in Second Life® opened yesterday (September 23rd) and runs until October 2nd. The organisers told The Gazette

The SL Renaissance Festival is Second Life's premier Medieval shopping and entertainment experience. We are proud to partner with Linden Lab in support of the American Cancer Society and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.

The noble mission of the festival is to help fund breast cancer research, provide information and support and help people reduce their breast cancer risk or detect it early. This year's theme is The Silk Road, a famous historical network of trade routes connecting China and the Far East to the Middle East and Europe.

The Bellisserian Bureau of Bureaucracy and the Continental Passport Control Board contributed our technology to this year's festival so the organisers could issue a Silk Road Travel Permit. Festival-goers can use it to collect beautiful stamps from the various destinations along the route. Our very own Sun made the stamps and they really are lovely, as you can see from the photos.

Of course, our own passport holders are not left out. There's an event stamp for their passports too. Like all other visitors however, they'll need the special permit to collect the Silk Road stamps.

CPCB Trucks

Many readers will be familiar with GTFO! (Get the Freight Out!), the RPG that's all about delivering freight by road, rail, sea or air. You will have seen trucks, trains, boats and planes in SL bustling about on GTFO! business. You may even have done some deliveries yourselves.

His Excellency Freddie Harrington, Hon. Ambassador to Nautilus, told The Gazette this week;

 I expect some people have noticed the ghost trucks which go around Satori, they're a bit like the pods but maybe more fitting to the theme of that particular continent which has tons of GTFO! points and players.

At the inspired suggestion of our founder Boo, Freddie has arranged for some of these ghost trucks (designed and scripted by an SL resident with the truly splendid name of Zipper Wurgle) to advertise the services of the Continental Passport Control BoardYou may see them running around on the continents of Corsica and Nautilus bearing the CPCB's logo.

Click on them as they pass by and you will get a landmark to our local Embassy and an information notecard. Keep your eyes open for them!


Screenshot 2022-09-22 at 09.21.17As a service to landowners with stamp terminals for our passports we are always happy to publicise events they hold at their stamp-issuing locations. Just send your information / press release to the Editor Dave (Lord Junibalya) in-world by notecard or via the Email the Editor link in the sidebar. 

This week new location Tabu Social Club has a grand opening event and you are invited! The party is at the club on Sunday September 25th at 2-4pm SLT. Get your dancing shoes on as DJ REGI YIFU will be master of music for the event.

PRIZES will be randomly awarded to Tabu group members, during the event. So be sure to wear your tag! Owner Safi Starlight told The Gazette; 

TABU is a friend of the ARTS in Second Life! Works by renowned artists AmandaT Tamatzui, Pagan Lane, and LOUVRE will be on display

If you love to play games in SL, there are several of the most popular game tables at Tabu.


Our colleague Amanda's art event continues at the Second Life Endowment for the Arts. This huge art installation features hidden spots for visitors to find and one is a ballroom where you can now find another limited-edition stamp.

The next two locations this week do not feature new stamps. PAW – Public Animal Welfare and our esteemed journalistic colleagues at the SL Newser have relocated in-world and taken their stamp terminals with them. The updated SLURLs are below. Both the Gazette Online Travel Guide and the StaFi HUD in-world have also been updated.

Other new locations this week are the Bear Paw Tour at Mount Campion, the charming Chalet Alpenrose B&B in Bellisseria, the hip and happening Tabu Social Club in Heterocera and of course the limited edition event stamp for the SL Renaissance Festival.

Happy travels!

Ballroom @ ATG World Sep 10 - Dec 31 PE 17 Oct 22 BBB Stamp Locations.002 Screenshot 2022-09-21 at 23.11.30
PAW - Public Animal Welfare BE BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.001 Relocation - no new stamp
SL Newser PE BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.01.001 Relocation - no new stamp
Mt Campion Bearpaw Tour HE BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.002 Screenshot 2022-09-22 at 00.48.58
Chalet Alpenrose BE BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.003

Screenshot 2022-09-22 at 00.09.03
Tabu Social Club HE  BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.005 Screenshot 2022-09-22 at 00.31.11
SL Renaissance Festival – Event from 23 Sep - 2 Oct BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.004 Screenshot 2022-09-22 at 00.32.05


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That's the SL Spirit, Boss. Creators assisting each other to make the virtual place better and more fun.

I've made some texture changes to Zipper's trucks since he's been good enough to give the CPCB free publicity. They are still clunky but more grunge than 'unrezzed' now:)

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