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March 2023

Bellisseria Citizens Group | Events & Announcements | New Locations


When I ask what people like most about living in Bellisseria, often they answer: “community.” Few places in Second Life® offer anything close to the sense of community that Bellisseria has.

How did this come about? There are probably dozens of things that went into it, such as the careful Linden/Mole planning of nice neighbourhoods, projects like BelliBin and BBB passports, resident and DJ-sponsored neighbourhood parties & events and — possibly most significant — community chat groups.

I would like to focus on one of those: the Bellisseria Citizens. It currently has 6,253 members, including Bellisseria residents, non-residents, Moles and Lindens. It has played a huge role in helping to establish community in Bellisseria. It has also been key to building a friendly bridge between residents and Linden Lab. It's not unusual to see Lindens and Moles interacting with residents in the group’s chat. It has also helped other projects and groups by advertising their activities and events in group notices. For example, when I publish one of my Parade of Homes Review articles, I send a notice to the group. So does Dave, when The Gazette is published. Gingir ghoststar Framed
The group was founded by Gingir Ghoststar and anyone is welcome to join, as long as they abide by the group’s rules. (If you would like to join this group, here is the link

I recently sat down with Gingir and we chatted. She had a lot of interesting things to say:

Please tell me a little about yourself.

Hi! I'm Gingir! I've been in SL for 12 years now. I enjoy building, exploring, and chatting with folk. You'll usually find me standing in my yard working on something for my home.

What initially gave you the idea of forming the Bellisseria Citizens chat group?

Oh this one is easy! It was the first day of Bellisseria, and everyone was out exploring and meeting their new neighbours. I thought it would be great to have a group just so that we could all share the really cool homes and locations we were finding. We were all so excited about the new home area.

How did you go about connecting with the Lindens and Moles to get them interested in participating with the Bellisseria residents?

Really, the community did that. I didn't advertise it in the beginning. It was quiet for weeks, but people slowly kept joining. Eventually they were using the group to chat with each other more frequently. I'm guessing that, since many Lindens and Moles happen to live in Bellisseria on their alts, they joined to chat with their neighbours too.

How did the group goals/charter/rules come about? Did you figure that out up front before we started, or did it evolve as you went along?

I did not have any goals for this group. I still really don't. I just wanted a place to be social with my neighbours.

Everything evolved along the way. As with any group that gets above like 20 members, folks are going to bump heads, clashes of personality, and of course you'll have your trolls who join. So the rules evolved from there. It evolved from the original rule of ‘Don't Be A Dick’ to what it is today.

Eventually some of the early mods and Belli residents began requesting more fleshed out rules. The ones we have now were written mainly by a mod who has since retired back to mainland. But the entire mod team went over them, discussed them, and helped to mould them to what we felt would be best for the group. We did that before we published them.

Every now and then someone comes to us, either another mod or resident and suggests a change or an update. So they've grown organically from what the community wanted and needed.

When you first formed the group, how did you get the word out about it to the Bellisseria residents? How did you get people to start joining the group?

That first day folks shared it a bit with their friends, so they could all chat while out and about getting their homes. We know that the private ‘group’ chats you can make are inherently buggy AF; having an actual group chat is much more stable.

Folk started making things for the group. Shirts, flags, etc to give out in the group notices. I made a group sign for the yard. I figured that would be an easy way of letting your neighbours know there was a place they could come chat with everyone.

Where there any issues/problems that arose, and if so, how did you handle them?

Not really. The group has been pretty great. We've had trolls, like actual trolls, the kind that like to rez all those annoying flashy things that break regions and such. They tried to bring their trolling to chat. We identified the main group they came from. These folk are so bright. they advertise their youtube trolling channel in their profiles. They made it super easy to kick the ones that had joined and to ban all the rest of them at the same darn time. That was probably our first problem that came up.

There have been personal squabbles, but our rule is to stay out of them and for them to keep that to themselves and out of chat. We're all volunteers, we aren't paid, so we really don't want to get pulled into that conflicts like that. We're just your neighbours, just living our lives, same as everyone.

The Bellisseria Citizens group has a dedicated team of Moderators. How did that come about?

Volunteers! Folks who I noticed were taking a special interest in helping their neighbours, I reached out and asked if they'd like to be a moderator. We still have fewer than ten. Some faces have come or gone over the years but there are still some OG mods around who hold the fort down.

Can you please share a few memorial stories about things that happened in this group?

This is hard. I'm proud of the group in general. We've got some really great folk. As for the funniest moments? That would be any number of interactions with the Lindens and Moles, though I still think that Patch's ‘big deck’ cracks me up the most. I've seen photos, he does indeed have a rather large and beautiful deck.

Is there anything else you would like to say/share?

Bellisseria Citizens is less my creation than it is the community's. The mods and I just try to make sure we keep it a welcoming and fun environment for everyone. I couldn't be more proud and happy with how it has grown and turned out. I might have paid the group creation fee, but there have been so many people over the years that have helped nurture this place. I love that. I am so lucky to be a part of all of this and I cannot wait to see what comes next for Bellisseria.

Article & Photograph by Teresa Firelight


If you have one of our stamp terminals at your place and you're having an event there or would like to make any other announcement, just let us know and we'll be happy to feature it here. Please drop a notecard on the Editor Dave (Lord.Junibalya) in-world or use the Email the Editor link in the sidebar to send us your information, posters or photos.

New article in Parade of Homes review 
This article in The Gazette's sister publication features two more modular kitchens that go well in Bellisseria homes, includes a photo, and shares their pros and cons. It is the fourth of four articles on Modular Kitchens by our very own Teresa Firelight.

New acronym guide in the Sidebar

Our colleague Robert Rhodan noticed that, like many bureaucracies, we've developed our own jargon. In particular we are very fond of acronyms. Our own organisation - the Bellisserian Bureau of Bureaucracy is universally known by its classic TLA ("Three Letter Acronym") of "BBB", for example.

Our bureaucrats and diplomats come from all over the world. English is not the first language for all of us, so Robert helpfully made us a glossary of the acronyms in use. We think it might be of wider interest, particularly as he has added some more general acronyms as well. You will find his guide in the Sidebar to The Gazette under the heading Information & Resources. If you have suggestions as to further additions, please let Robert know.


   Good take up of the StampsOnPP HUD

Last week's edition of The Gazette included a free HUD that allows users of our V3.00 passports to get an online report of the stamps they've collected, sorted in various ways. We were very happy to see that so many of our readers immediately loaded it up and gave it a try. We hope you continue to enjoy it. 



Updated Edition of "25 Cutest BBB Stamps"

By way of a small celebration of our issuing our 500th unique passport stamp to "Bellisseria Bike, Drive & Scoot!" last week, we published an update to the 25 Cutest BBB Stamps collection published in January. We hope you enjoy the fun-to-read background stories from the designers, and wish you happy stamp hunting.


Our first new stamp this week is an event stamp. The event – at the Bellisseria Fairgrounds – does not begin until next Saturday, April 1st and the stamp won't be available until then. We just wanted to give you more advance notice of the event in question – organised by the Bellisseria Hamsters.

Non-Bellisserians may be puzzled by how much our dear Hamsters (universally known as "the Hammies") mean to us. They've been part of our community for a long time and are as active and community-minded as they are cute – and, trust us, they are very cute. Everybody loves them, but no-one more than we bureaucrats of the BBB. They have always been as supportive of our work as we have been of their events.

Their latest carrrot-fuelled extravaganza is Zoo-Palooza 4, which has the intriguing strapline "Hamraiders - the Carrot of Life." The Indiana Jones fan in your editor is intrigued, optimistic and awash with images of whip-wielding Hammie archaeologists. To be clear, these are not spoilers, just an old journo's fantasies. You'll have to visit it yourselves to find out. Whatever you do, give the Hammies a kind word and/or a carrot, please. Preferably both!

Our other new location this week is our first Linden Department of Public Works build for a while. Valmorel Rez Zone and Airfield is in the snow lands of Sansara on Mainland. It's a bleak, rugged spot for aviation and no place to mess up a landing, so please take even more care than usual if you fly in to check it out.

[Stop Press! At the time of publication, this new LDPW terminal had not yet been placed, but this has now been rectified and it's available. Our apologies to our keenest users who were disappointed in their attempts to collect it.]


Event: April 1st to 30th

BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.001 Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 17.32.22
Valmorel Rez Zone and Airfield SN BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.001 Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 17.39.17

Our 500th Stamp | Bellisseria Hidden Treasures: Mole Balloon Ride | New! Easy Listing of all your passport stamps | Letters to the Editor | Events & Announcements | New Locations


This week we issued the 500th unique stamp for our passports. This is a significant milestone on the BBB/CPCB journey and we are happy and proud to have reached it. Remember, our passport system is still only three years old. Our stamps are each personally designed and crafted by either the stamp-issuer or our in-house design team (or both). Ours is a hands-on bureaucracy run by real people trying to make SL more fun to live in.

Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 09.06.09The stamp that has the honour of being the 500th was already announced last week. However that was an advance notice. It was only actually issued a couple of days ago in time for the event it commemorated. It is the limited edition event stamp for the St Patrick's Day celebrations of our friends at Bellisseria Bike, Drive & Scoot!

Sneak Peek St. Paddy's Day Event
Rocking Shamrocks Event Venue

Their Rocking Shamrocks Event was at the Bellisseria Fairgrounds yesterday. The event is already over, but it's not too late to collect this historic stamp. 

At our request, Gracie of Bellisseria Bike, Drive & Scoot has kindly agreed to place the event stamp terminal at their clubhouse for a further week, to ensure collectors get a fair chance to pick it up.

We at the BBB/CPCB would like to thank all of our passport-holders and stamp-issuers for making our quirky little mock-bureaucracy a success. We're all having fun with it and we hope you are too.

Here's to the next 500 stamps! 


When you think of Bellisseria, you probably think of lovely landscaped communities with homes for Premium residents. That is accurate, but not complete. Bellisseria is a nice place to live, but there is so much more to it. If you go out and explore, you are bound to run into some of its attractions.

1- Mole Balloon Ride
I was cruising down the river that runs through the Chalet regions when I noticed a nice balloon. My first thought was that someone had rezzed one and accidentally left it unattended… I figured it would derez any second. But it did not.

So I came closer to inspect it. And I discovered the balloon was owned by Abnor Mole. Interesting...

On closer inspection I found that I could sit on it and ride the balloon. When I did, it gave me instructions on how to start and stop the balloon, as well as how to steer it. As it turns out, steering a balloon is not quite as straightforward as it sounds. You can turn it right or left, you can go up or down. But there is no control to go forward or back. You are at the mercy of the wind. It was kind of fun figuring out how to control the balloon and it provides an interesting view of the Chalet neighborhoods.

The balloon ride also came with some animations for riding the balloon and for falling out of it. One of those animations is named “Hang On,” and it looks like this:

2- Hang On
Whatever you do, when you are up in the air on the balloon – do not “Stand.” I tried that. The balloon disappeared and I found myself hurtling to the ground, where I landed on my rear and now have a big bruise right where I sit.

If you would like to catch this balloon and try it for yourself, you will find it here.

Article and photographs by Teresa Firelight

Editor's Note: There's at least one more of these balloons available. It's near my favourite pub in Bellisseria here.


Anyone with a V3.00 passport can now easily generate a list of all their collected passport stamps in an external browser window. How does it work?

  • A new HUD allows you to retrieve a fast-scrolling, personalised list of all your stamps, whether collected on your V3.00 passport or migrated to it from an earlier version.
  • The list can be sorted by Location Name, Continent, Location Status (active, retired), Stamp Release Date1,  Collected Date2
  • Just wear the HUD, touch it and click on the personalised web link in chat.

A free copy of the HUD is enclosed with the in-world distribution notices for this week's issue of The Gazette. In a week or so, we will also deploy a dispenser at BBB HQ in Swordfish.

The HUD detects your unique avatar "key" and generates an access link with 32 random characters added, so only you can access your information.

Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 08.33.26
Please note that we are using a clone of our Head Scripter, North's, master database that so elegantly solved our previous problems with losing stamps during failed teleports. The effective date of the report is indicated at the top. 

We had some very positive comments from our beta testers. For example Fuyuko said;

The HUD works perfectly. The link is generated really quickly and the list is shown right away. That the active stamps are linked with an LM is extra-sweet.

Kittensusie commented

That will be a great boost to the passport users

Dulcinea told us

I really enjoyed seeing the full list of the different stamps that I've collected, along with the links to their locations and whether they are still active or not. This is already a fantastic tool for people to use so that they can look back on their stamp collecting 'career' in SL."

We would like to thank our beta-testers for their work and for their helpful suggestions as to functionality and features. We incorporated most of their  suggestions in the final HUD and we hope you will enjoy using it.

Article by Robert Rhodan


1 Where we don't have a release date in our database, the stamp will be shown as released on January 1st, 1970!

2 The date of migration to V3.00 passport will be used as the date of collection


We received a note in-world from kittensusie Lander and Dulcinea Andretti, two of our users who kindly volunteered to  beta-test the new HUD announced above.

I've tried his new HUD and firstly, may I just say that Robert is a brilliant man. I love how he thinks of ways for us to be more self-sufficient when it comes to the kind of information we want to see and keep track of.

I really enjoyed seeing the full list of the different stamps that I've collected, along with links to their locations and whether they are still active or not. (Yeah, I am that kind of collection nerd!)

While checking back with me for my opinion on the beta HUD, he asked if I had any suggestions for it. I won't say what my specific suggestions were in case he chooses not to incorporate them into the finished product, but whether he does or not, this is already a fantastic tool for people to use so they can look back on their stamp collecting 'career'  in SL.

Dulcinea Andretti


A few weeks ago I was asked if I'd like to help beta-test the StampsOnPP HUD by Robert Rhodan (who btw is the human version of catnip!). So here are my thoughts....

1 - BACON!

2 - Do you want to see all the stamps you've collected or are looking for one particular stamp but don't want to flick through page after page? Then the StampsOnPP is the thing for you!

I've been testing the StampsOnPP for a couple of weeks now and I am really pleased with it. When you wear the HUD and click on it, you can sort the stamps by release date, collected, location name, continent or status. That brings up a link in Nearby Chat that will open up your web browser. It's as simple as that. You can even open up several links and go hunting for those stamps you are missing (I've collected a few like that).

This is going to be a great boon for all passport stamp collectors, just be aware that you MUST be using the V3 version (which is also much improved over the old style passports as you no longer need to get additional visa extensions).

So, if you haven't upgraded to V3 yet, DO IT! Then use the StampsOnPP HUD and see listings of all your stamps easily.

Thank you Robert Rhodan for making this HUD available :)

Kittensusie Landar

If you wish to comment on articles in The Gazette or any aspect of BBB/CPCB services, you are always welcome to use the comments function below. If you prefer to comment in-world, please feel free to write to the Editor for publication.


If you have one of our stamp terminals at your place and you're having an event there or would like to make any other announcement, just let us know and we'll be happy to feature it here. Please drop a notecard on the Editor Dave (Lord.Junibalya) in-world or use the Email the Editor link in the sidebar to send us your information, posters or photos.

SL PoH OH welcomes

... Mikomim's Victorian Home7867 Filberty
est. 2/2023
I like a bit of everything in regards to design styles and often incorporate pieces from different periods. I enjoy spaces that feel lived in and that still maintain order and cleanliness. I don't think there is anything particularly unique to my decorating style. It's simply what I enjoy, want to come home to, and is a reflection of my tastes and interests.

exterior interior deco


We are sad to announce the passing of our colleague AmandaT Tamatzui's RL father. All of us at the BBB send our condolences to Amanda, her mother and family. If you are currently dealing with Amanda on any BBB matters, please contact Robert Rhodan – her colleague on our stamp team – instead. 


The first new place to get your passport stamped this week is Sansara's Museum of Computing History. What could be more appropriate in a world that exists on, and can only by accessed via, computers! In any event, it's a great place to explore the history of computing and computer science.

We are happy to welcome another airport to the network of passport stamp-issuing transport hub locations. Blackslough Field Regional Airport is next to the Sea of Fables and is a great place to hang out and watch (or fly!) all types of aircraft. You can take a Sea of Fables hot-air balloon tour with up to 3 friends or ride a rocket pod to the associated (enormous) space station.

Speaking of airports, the SL International Airport (SLIA) complex is offering two new stamps from this week. One is at the heart of nearby Primrose Village and the other is at the village's roller-skating park. 

Museum of Computing History SN
BBB Stamp Locations 18 Mar 23.001 Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 21.31.06
Blackslough Regional Airport SN BBB Stamp Locations 18 Mar 23.002 Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 21.31.56
SLIA Primrose Village NA BBB Stamp Locations 18 Mar 23.003 Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 21.28.41
SLIA Park & Roller Skating Primrose Village NA BBB Stamp Locations 18 Mar 23.004 Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 21.28.53

Sea of Fables Information Hub opens | Meet Hon. Ambassador Coughran Mayo | Events & Announcements | New Locations


Sansara’s Sea of Fables is one of SL’s first and oldest community builds. It is a large protected ocean that people can sail on. It has several Linden Lab-owned islands with fun places to explore. This was pre-mesh, so they are all prim builds, but they are mostly very well done and interesting. It also has an underground labyrinth below the ocean floor. You can explore it and spend hours getting lost. It has sunken ruins and beautiful underwater gardens. It also has boat race courses and several rez zones. The Sea of Fables is quite an amazing area. Back in 2010 it was SL’s “hot spot,” but it is now mostly forgotten and unknown.

It also has some amazing privately owned areas that welcome visitors. There are marinas, airports, scenic coastal builds, forests – all sorts of fun things for people to explore. Yes, being mainland there are a few places that have ugly prims floating in the air – but most of the lands surrounding the ocean are beautifully built and scenic. Back in December of 2022, I bought a piece of land bordering the Sea of Fables and built my own scenic area called Seaside – and yes, you are most welcome to come visit it. 

A few months ago we started a project to try and build community among the land owners in the Sea of Fables area. Part of that project is building an Information Hub that represents all of the community properties, and also represents the amazing Linden Lab/Mole-built areas.

That Information Hub is the subject of this article. It is located here. The Hub itself is scenic, and you can walk directly to the Sea of Fables from it. As announced in this week's New Locations section of The Gazette, you can also get a passport stamp there.

You will find slide shows picturing the community-owned and Linden-owned properties that welcome visitors. You will find the Sea of Fables wiki page and a poster about the community and how to become involved with it.

Infohub map_002The centre piece of the Info Hub is a large map with pins to mark interesting locations to visit. The green ones are community owned locations and the red ones are Linden-owned. If you click any of them you get a notecard about – and a landmark to – that location. If you prefer, you can click the Information Board and get a menu of locations. There will also be a Teleport board to these locations as soon as I get the bugs out of the script!

There is an activities board that gives you a notecard with landmarks to over forty locations with fun things to do. This includes things like rezzing a kayak to explore the ocean, bowling or dancing, or places to rez your own boats or planes, etc. At some near-future time, we hope there will be organised activities in the area (boating, flying, dancing, tours, etc.) and that we will have an events board to represent them.

Bridge to sea of fables_001 (2)If you haven’t been to the Sea of Fables recently, please stop by the Information Hub and see what this area offers. The Sea of Fables really is one of SL’s hidden treasures.

Article and photographs by Teresa Firelight


His Excellency Jarrod Beck  Hon Ambassador to Satori - 1Last week we announced the appointment of Coughran Mayo as Honorary Ambassador to the Continent of Jeogeot. His Excellency has kindly consented to an interview with The Gazette and we spoke with him this week.

He entered Second Life® in February of 2007 and has served as Chief Administrator of Mindful Cove, a fledgling SL Community Gateway. He has also been involved with Nonprofit Commons since it was founded and has been a board member for the past two years. He told us;

I love to travel the mainland of Second Life®, mainly by walking the established roads or railroad lines, but I've found some great places by going "off the beaten path". I have a Linden Home (houseboat) in Bellisseria, but also have a relatively large landholding in Jeogeot, on the Gaenari region, where I have established a coffeeshop and a cigar club for residents to mingle and converse.

I enjoy wandering all of the Mainland but Jeogeot is a particular favorite among the known continents of SL. It is variously referred to as The Korean Continent, The Southern Continent, The Forgotten Continent and it has a rich history in the SL timeline. There is much to see and do in Jeogeot - we have remarkable planned communities, fun coffeeshops, breathtaking art galleries, beautiful parks and public spaces and much, much more.A well-established road system, and the Zany Zen Railroad provide easy ways to get around. I hope people will come visit!

I believe one of the greatest functions of Second Life is the ability for people to join in communities for recreation, conversation, or purposeful pursuits. I love the feeling of immersion that occurs when people get together. One aim for me as Honorary Ambassador is to encourage people to join the recently created citizens group and help us all work together to forge strong ties within Jeogeot and between us and Bellissaria, as well as the other Mainland continents.

There will be a formal inauguration ceremony and celebration at the embassy in due course. Watch this space for further details of that. We wish the new Hon. Ambassador all the best in his new role. 


If you have one of our stamp terminals at your place and you're having an event there or would like to make any other announcement, just let us know and we'll be happy to feature it here. Please drop a notecard on the Editor Dave (Lord.Junibalya) in-world or use the Email the Editor link in the sidebar to send us your information, posters or photos.

Top collectors of passport stamps

We've decided not to publish named rankings of passport stamp collectors without the permission of the residents in question. We don't think there are data protection issues, but we're here for fun not litigation so won't be taking that risk! Far more importantly, we are well aware that some SL Residents are sensitive about any data pertaining to them and we want to respect that.

We can tell you that the resident currently in first place has collected 387 stamps out of a possible 469! Only our own test bot can beat that as she has the full set. We don't think that counts though, so she doesn't feature in the rankings.

In second place, with 345 stamps is former editor of The Gazette, the late Ms Fenella Allen. She's no longer active in SL but still logs on to do photography for us and is clearly still getting her passport stamped at new locations! The current editor is in sixth place with 308.

As the rankings stand, you will be in the Top Ten if you have 255 stamps or more. You will be in the Top Twenty if you have 213 stamps or more. If you are in the Top Twenty and would like to know precisely where you rank, just IM your editor Dave (Lord.Junibalya) in-world or email him using the link in the sidebar. He will be happy to let you know.

Those of us in the BBB who have access to the lists are very happy to see the names of so many of our supporters and friends. Thank you all for taking part in our mock-bureaucratic fun! 


Thanks to all who attended last week's Mainland Community Alliance Party in Nautilus

Despite the announcement of the event here being a day late last week, there was an excellent attendance at the party at AmandaT Tamatzui's art gallery. Hon. Ambassador Freddie did a great job as DJ and much fun was had by all – including your Editor. Here's one of Amanda's photographs from the event. Thank you to all who attended and made it such a success. 



The Second Life Environmental Corps (SLEC) continues to roll out its key infrastructure on the grid. This week its new location is the Incident Response Centre on Nautilus. Another active location, the SL International Airport now also offers a passport stamp at its bowling alley.

The Oasis Café and Park is a place to enjoy coffee and cake while relaxing in the tranquility of a peaceful park. You can try your hand at painting and yoga (best not at the same time) or just hang out and enjoy the scenery. There's another café in a park at the wonderfully-named Happy Zone No Bad Mood park. Take a walk through the park from the passport terminal to find the café.

Next is the Sea of Fables Info Hub, as to which please see our leading article this week for more information. If you drink coffee at all the new locations this week, you will never sleep. The next café location is Starborn Café near to the art gallery of the same name.

Finally, our friends at Bellisseria Bike, Drive and Scoot! are having a St. Patrick's day event at the Bellisseria Fairgrounds on 17th March (the big green day itself). The stamp will not be available until the day of the event but this was the last chance to announce it in The Gazette. Happy St Paddy's Day to all! Enjoy the craich.

SLEC - Incident Response NA BBB Stamp Locations 11 Mar 2023.001 Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 08.26.14
SLIA Galaxy Games and Bowling Alley NA BBB Stamp Locations 11 Mar 2023.002 Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 09.05.15
Oasis Cafe and Park JE BBB Stamp Locations 11 Mar 2023.003 Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 09.07.07
Happy Zone no Bad Mood SN BBB Stamp Locations 11 Mar 2023.004 Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 09.08.50
Sea Of Fables Info Hub SN BBB Stamp Locations 11 Mar 2023.005 Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 09.14.25
Starborn Café GV BBB Stamp Locations 11 Mar 2023.006 Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 09.16.48

Bellisseria Bike, Drive & Scoot!

Rocking Shamrocks Event! BE

17th March 2023 (no stamp until the day)

BBB Stamp Locations 11 Mar 2023.007 Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 09.20.21

Stamp Statistics | Around & About | Events & Announcements | New Locations


Thanks to Robert Rhodan's expertise with SQL and extensions to our Chief Scripter, North Crannock's, passport master database for our new v3.00 passports, we've some stats to share with you. To be clear, many more stamps than these have been issued. Your editor's stamp terminals at his space station and art galleries each report more collected than the #1 location on this list! That's because the table below only uses data collected from the new v 3.00 passports. As they are still new and many of you have not upgraded yet, the numbers are relatively small. However, it's a fun insight, which will become more indicative over time. 

We could not collect stats from the earlier versions of the passport, so this adds a whole new dimension. The table below shows the top fifteen locations by numbers of stamps issued. It's interesting that so many are embassies. Perhaps that's because (apart from occasional visitors who stumble upon them) most people go there in full knowledge of our passports. Many non-Bellisserian residents actually obtain their passport at their local embassy so it's natural they then collect their first stamp from the terminal nearby.

We are open to suggestions but our initial thought is that the most useful information we could provide would be visitor counts over time, so landowners with our stamp terminals could see – for example – how their visitor count is affected by any events they stage. As our technology progresses, new possibilities emerge. We can't wait to see what the future holds!

Ranking Location Continent Stamps issued
1 Heterocera Embassy HE 101
2 Nautilus Embassy NA 92
3 Jeogeot Embassy JE 87
4 Satori Embassy ST 87
5 Corsica Embassy  CA 82
6 Sansara Embassy SN 80
7 Randelsham Forest BE 66
8 SL19B Event BE 58
9 Fantasy Community Center BE 56
10 Chippewa Town Hall BE 55
11 Bellis Blues Cafe BE 52
12 Meauxle Bureaux SN 52
13 Rungardvik PE 52
14 Mt. Campion National Forest HE 51
15 Party House and Gym BE 51


Second Life® is hard to explain to friends and family who are not residents. They understand computer gaming of course. It is by far the largest part of the global entertainment industry –  five times bigger than the movie business – so needs little explanation these days. They also understand online forums for interests like the arts, nature or photography. They probably use or contribute to such sites themselves. They may also enjoy hobbies or crafts so will know the fun to be had in building and creating.

SL, however, is none of those things – and all of them. It's just a virtual venue for whatever you have in mind. Even long-time residents like your Editor will often find people using SL in ways he'd never have expected. So answering the apparently simple question "What is SL?" is not easy. Like life itself, it's whatever you make of it! All aspects of human life are here, from the glorious to the sleazy.

Owl Dragonash, a well-known figure in the SL art world – and one of the nicest residents you could ever hope to meet – has had a try at answering the SLexistential question over at her blog Owl's Eye. You might find it useful to share with your SL-curious friends! If you think Owlie has missed anything, feel free to submit an article to us here at The Gazette, setting out your own answer. 

Mainland Community Alliance_001
Not everyone in SL will be a user of Discord, but it's becoming a more and more important communication channel. At the BBB, it's now the main way our volunteer staff keep in touch with each other as we go about our cod-bureaucratic work. Several of us have also become involved in the lively Discord Channel of the Mainland Community Alliance – an SL Group founded by Emm Vintner (emmalee.evergarden), which is;

...focused on the revitalization of the Mainland through the enrichment, beautification and promotion of Mainland projects and initiatives.

It's a good way to keep up with the various MCA activities, including the excellent Rails, Trails, and Sails social events, which are great for those of us who like to travel through SL in less banal ways than teleportation. Sailing, biking, driving and horse riding are all more fun when done with others - in SL as much as in RL.

If you're on Discord, we'd suggest signing up. If not – and if you're lucky enough to have a free slot – just join the group in-world in the usual way.


If you have one of our stamp terminals at your place and you're having an event there or would like to make any other announcement, just let us know and we'll be happy to feature it here. Please drop a notecard on the Editor Dave (Lord.Junibalya) in-world or use the Email the Editor link in the sidebar to send us your information, posters or photos.


New Honorary Ambassador to Jeogeot

We are pleased to announce the appointment of  Coughran Mayo as the new Honorary Ambassador to the SL Continent of Jeogeot. Further details will follow. In the meantime, we congratulate His Excellency on his appointment. 


New article at Parade of Homes Review

Teresa Firelight is continuing her series on modular kitchens for your SL homes over at our sister publication The Parade of Homes Review. 


The Limoncello Arts Theatre

On the 21st floor of the LG Tower, which houses part of the collections of the Limoncello Art Gallery, there is a theatre space designed for poetry readings and other artistic events. Like the gallery itself, it's a non-commercial space. If you would like to use it for an event or meeting associated with the arts, please contact Dave (Lord Junibaly) the gallery owner, in-world. He'll be happy to make it available to you and to give you rights to rez any signage etc. you may need for your event. 

Limoncello Arts Theatre_001
The Limoncello Arts Theatre

As a location that issues our passport stamps, The Limoncello Art Gallery is entitled to use this Events & Announcements section of The Gazette. So any events you organise there can be publicised here, free of charge. 


The Easter Holidays are coming

If your SL home is listed on Parade of Homes and you plan to decorate it for the holidays, you can request a special seasonal PoH listing so visitors can enjoy your work. Just apply by using this web form, where you can also upload additional photographs. This temporary seasonal listing won't replace or affect your permanent PoH details. 


More good news for passport stamp afficionados

Flipping through the pages of your passport to check if you already have a neat stamp you saw in the Gazette Online Travel Guide (GOTG) or the StampFinder HUD (StaFi) can be tedious, but we have a new solution! You can now use this web form to request a list of all your passport stamps. The list will be delivered in PDF format and will be available only to you via a secure link.
Here's an example of what it will look like. 
Sample Report
click to enlarge

Please note that this only applies if you have upgraded to V3.00 of our passports. Please don't submit more than one request per quarter, so as not to burden Robert unduly. We hope you'll find this a useful service. It's certainly yet another argument to upgrade your Bellisserian or CPCB Passport to V3.00. Please give the service a try and let us know what you think!


Living in SL Expo 2023 is a new mega-event for the American Cancer Society / Relay for Life, replacing the much-loved Home & Garden Expo. You can read all about it at the ACS website. The BBB is happy to support such a great cause and delighted that holders of BBB/CPCB passports will be able to collect a special event stamp when they visit.

Last week we announced a new stamp available from the SL Environmental Corps training facility. From this week, you can also collect one from the SLEC's magnificent new Headquarters. There's a lot of information there and it's well worth a visit.

ATG Garden is a new location provided by Uri Morpork and landscaped by our very own AmandaT Tamatzui. It's a peaceful little spot with a swimming pool and game table next to Amanda's art gallery in Nautilus.

There's a lot of action in Nautilus this week. Our next new stamp-issuing location is also on that continent: a live music venue called The Wherehouse. 

Our staff photographer happened to visit the magnificent baroque stately home at Schlossberg Salem this week and ran into the owner, Kαrℓ-Ąℓεxαηɗεr vσn βαdεn. We're pleased he accepted her suggestion to install a stamp terminal. He's been working in this project for many years and we hope you enjoy it when you stop by to stamp your passport. Stamp designer Robert told The Gazette; 

The Margraviate of Baden (German: Markgrafschaft Baden) was a historical territory of the Holy Roman Empire." The "Greif" is a heraldic animal for Baden, so that is why I depicted it on the coat of arms

Amanda unfortunately didn't make her announcement in time so it's too late to recommend you attend the Mainland Community Alliance party at her Gallery – again – in Nautilus. We hope you received your invitations via in-world groups and Discord and had a wonderful time. If not, the beautiful Event Stamp remains available for the next two weeks, so you still have chance to collect it. 

Living in SL Expo PE

Event: March 3-12, 2023

BBB Stamp Locations 4 Mar 23.001 Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 03.12.39
SLEC SL Environmental Corps - HQ NA BBB Stamp Locations 4 Mar 23.002 Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 03.45.35

ATG Gardens NA BBB Stamp Locations 4 Mar 23.003 Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 04.16.03
The Wherehouse NA BBB Stamp Locations 4 Mar 23.004 Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 04.20.06
Schlossberg Salem PE
BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.001 Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 09.09.37

Mainland Community Alliance / Party @ATG NA

Event: 3rd March

BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.001 Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 13.25.10