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June 2024

SL21B in full swing | Events & Announcements | Personal Stamps & New Locations


Second Life's 21st Birthday celebrations (SL21B) began on June 21st with an opening speech from Patch Linden. This year's theme is "Elements." Patch discussed the significance of "Earth, Fire, Air, and Water" in the context of Second Life®;

Earth, the bedrock of life, symbolises the solid foundation upon which we've constructed our Second Life. It represents the stability and support that our community provides—a place where we can stand firm, flourish, and prosper on the virtual ground that surrounds us in Second Life.

Fire, the catalyst of creativity, encapsulates the passion and energy that ignite our virtual world. It represents our burning ambition to create, explore, and leave our imprint, much like our avatars in Second Life.

Air signifies the communications and connections we've nurtured here. It's the unseen yet potent force that conveys our voices, our thoughts, and our aspirations, linking us across continents and cultures within Second Life.

And water, as the fountain of life, mirrors the fluidity and adaptability of our community. It's the element of transformation, reminding us that Second Life is a realm of infinite possibilities where we can shape our destiny and ride the waves of change.

Patch went on to discuss the different stages of SL21B, their names, and their ratings. The Earth stage, named The Stonehold, is a G-rated area. The Aquatorium, representing water, is also G-rated, as is The Nimbus, which symbolises air. The one Adult-rated stage this year is Firestone Keep, representing fire, where performers and residents can be completely unfiltered in both dress and language.

The exhibits opened to crowds of excited party-goers. Fully trained official Second Life Birthday Greeters were on hand to meet and help them find their way to points of interest or provide other needed guidance, all thanks to Viola Mole and Alotta Mole, who devoted their efforts to making their team of greeters shine. Greeters are a vitally important part of SLB. As SL ages, the parties get bigger and bigger, and with more to see and do, it's imperative to have people who can help residents find what they are looking for. Greeters are unsung heroes who volunteer their time to do exactly that.

The stages, one of the most popular features of Second Life Birthday parties, began opening at 3 pm. Max Kleene kicked off the party on The Stonehold stage with his smooth tunes and mellow voice that always leave you wanting more. Max was followed by Merryjest Starchild, a professional opera singer who truly understands the assignment of "entertain." The Stonehold's first DJ of the day, Ajay McDowwll, took the stage at 5 pm and rocked the house. Many other awesome performers and DJs have since followed, making it impossible to mention them all. If you haven't attended the live performances yet, please check the SL21B calendar and get down there to enjoy the magic!

And speaking of magic, I don't want to close this article without mentioning another group of unsung heroes: The Stage Crew. The Stage Crew comprises volunteers led by Leondra Larsson. This group undertakes the massive job of keeping four stages running with live performers and DJs, 24 hours a day, for the first ten days of SLB. It's an unbelievably complicated tapestry of work woven together so well that people don't even notice the efforts put in. The fact that people don't see how hard the Stage Crew and Stage Managers work is evidence of how well they do their jobs.

Full disclosure, this writer is also a stage manager. But I don't write this to pat myself on the back. I write this because I look around and see my fellow stage managers, and I am so proud and honored to stand among them because they are the most dedicated people I know. I see my crew members, and I beam with pride for each and every one of them. They all work so hard and give it all they've got. I'm thankful for Leondra, who we fondly refer to as Leo. She is very supportive. She doesn't smother. She guides. She's an effective leader. My hat is off to the Stage Crew. So when you're at SL21B, if you see someone at the stages wearing a shirt and tag identifying them as part of the stage crew, please let them know you appreciate their hard work. I know it will mean so much to them!

See you all at SL21B!

Article and photos by Liberty Fairelander


If you have one of our stamp terminals and you're having an event or would like to make an announcement, just let us know and we'll be happy to feature it here. Please drop a notecard on the Editor, Dave (Lord.Junibalya) in-world or use the Email the Editor link in the sidebar to send us your information, posters and/or photos.

Summer in Bellisseria

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 12.14.12

Here's your taxi


SL21B Events Calendar

It's widely available elsewhere but here is the calendar showing all the events happening as part of SL21B. We hope to see you at some of them! The events are great fun generally and are often also good opportunities to meet the Moles and Lindens carrying SSiD tablets issuing their personal SL21B stamps. 


Major Content Enhancements for the BBB NavPoint Map

Thanks to Quad Croc-Lane and Furious Soup the NavPoint Map now has 2,044 nav points / rez zones shown on the world map (420 for land vehicles, 407 for boats, 71 for trains, 27 PoIs, 31 airfields, 370 stamp terminal locations, 707 unspecific/generic rez zones).

 You can also now generate an HTML list of locations with SLURLs and the map display has been enlarged to 800 x 800px

What a wonderful result of this innovative cooperation between the Belli Citizens ground and the BBB! We are very happy to see that – although it's very new – it's been accessed almost six hundred times already.

If you'd like to see a detailed example of tour-planning using this wonderful new tool, please follow this link to an article by Robert Rhodan.

Concept, Programming, images and linked article by Robert Rhodan


SSiD Tablet Image_001During Second Life's 21st Birthday celebrations (SL21B), as at previous SLBs and other major events, our diplomats and bureaucrats, as well as many Moles and Lindens will be carrying SSiD (single stamp issuing device) tablet computers.

Click on them while wearing your passport HUD and they will apply that person's personal stamp. You can check your progress in collecting them by referring to this master list, which will be updated if new SSiDs are issued. Most are carrying their tablets in their hands (as in the picture) but some are more creative so watch out for them!

We hope you love AmandaT Tamatzui's cute stamp design as much as we do and we wish you luck in collecting them all. The illustration below shows just a few of them to give you an idea.

Enjoy the celebrations and we look forward to seeing you at the BBB Waterworks in the SL21B  region of Breathtaking.
Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 19.57.01

Summer in Bellisseria is an event at the Bellisseria Fairgrounds organised  by the Bellisseria Citizens Group. It features exhibits, workshops, parties, gifts, games, and lots more. 

The Confederation of Democratic Simulators (CDS), founded in Sept. 2004, focuses on the natural environment and sustainability. Its mission is to create a democratic community in SL. The CDS also encourages the maintenance of clean air and water for all people as an essential right. The CDS stand at SL21B is an alpine park. 

The Interplanetary Land Preserve on Mars is a collaboration at SL21B between the SL Public Land Preserve and The Interplanetary Liberation Front. Chat with the oracles and intriguing storytellers waiting for you while engaged in a fun diplomatic search.

Summer in Bellisseria BE
Event June 27 to July 7, 2024
BBB Stamp Locations 22 Jun 24.001
Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 00.06.37

Event June 21 to July 21, 2024

BBB Stamp Locations 29 Jun 24.002 Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 02.29.50
Event June 21 to July 21, 2024
BBB Stamp Locations 29 Jun 24.003 Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 02.34.15

Please feel free to leave comments. We welcome feedback! The comment form asks for an email address but that's entirely optional. Just leave it blank if you prefer.

The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to Adventurous Stamp Collecting | Setting Up at SL21B | Events & Announcements | New Locations


With nearly four hundred of our collectible stamps available on the grid, many collectors rush to complete their passports by using tools like the StampFinder (StaFi) or the Gazette Online Travel Guide (GOTG) to identify stamps and teleport rapidly from one location to the next. While efficient, this approach misses the beauty of exploring regions through walking, horse riding, driving, sailing, flying or taking a bus or train. These "old school" methods offer the joys of sightseeing and navigating unique landscapes and structures.

The release of a Navigator World Map showing stamp locations along with navigation points like rez zones, airfields, and train stations can make stamp collecting more adventurous and entertaining. The map, which can be zoomed and panned, allows for easy planning of a collecting tour by visualising the route.

Planning Your Stamp Collecting Adventure

Select Adjacent Stamp Locations: Start by choosing a cluster of stamp locations on the world map and zooming in (see pictures 1 and 2).

Visualize Navigation Points: Identify nearby rez zones or train stations to serve as starting points, and use other points along your route (see picture 3).
Detailed Route Planning: Zoom in further to see roads and other details that will help you travel between destinations (see picture 4)

Example Route: Use a combination of train, car, and walking to collect stamps (see picture 5).


By following these steps, you can make your stamp collecting tour an exciting, adventurous, and enjoyable journey, discovering the beauty of Second Life® along the way. Happy stamp hunting!

This is a free BBB tool covering Bellisseria and the mainland continents as well as private estates. Currently, stamp locations and navigation points are on separate maps. Work is ongoing dynamically to blend in navigation point types with different colours.

The tool was created by Robert Rhodan but has become a community project for members of the Bellisseria Citizens group. Contributors include Sandy Burgess (SLURLs to geo-coordinates), Volodymyr Agafonkin (SL Map API migrated to "Leaflet"), Radioactive Rosca (BSLRR), Mav Karu, Miss Hammie, Dreamer Pixelmaid, Mikoto M. Bear, Jules Neville, Jon Ree, Markus Brant and Hendrix Portal (Landmarks and notecards) and Quadrapop Lane, Furious Soup and Tracy Quandry.

Co-operation with Drivers of SL (DoSL), Get The Freight Out! (GTFO!), and GPS providers is under discussion. Feedback on the tool’s usefulness and suggestions for improvements are welcome via the Gazette Comments section.

Article by Robert Rhodan and Liberty Fairelander
Images and tools by Robert Rhodan


Ah, the grand spectacle that is Second Life's 21st Birthday event, lovingly known as SL21B! The buzz, the excitement, the sheer joy of the announcement sends shivers down your virtual spine. Second Life® content creators dream of being part of this magnificent celebration. From the moment we send in our application, our minds overflow with brilliant ideas—vibrant displays, awe-inspiring builds, and quirky interactive experiences. But, as fate would have it, the second that golden ticket of acceptance is received, every single idea can vanish in a puff of virtual smoke.

There you are, staring blankly at your newly acquired parcel, brain as empty as a prim warehouse after a region restart. The surprise has you scrambling to find a display concept that would encapsulate everything you want to showcase. Your mind races with thoughts of majestic structures, intricate details, and immersive environments. "How do I represent all that I am, all that I love, in one tiny parcel?" you ponder. But somehow, some way, after the initial shock wears off and your brain begins to normalize again, you start to piece together your plan.

As you fumble through your initial concepts, you find solace in the camaraderie of fellow participants. You laugh, you brainstorm, you scrap bad ideas only to replace them with better ones. Collaboration with friends turns into delightful chaos—one friend building a giant hamster wheel while another meticulously crafts an intricate floral archway. Separately, your efforts seem disjointed, but together, you weave a tapestry of creativity and fun. The joy of working side by side, albeit virtually, is an experience you'll cherish forever.

And let's not forget the moments of pure absurdity that inevitably arise. Like when your friend insists on adding a dancing llama in a tutu to the display. "It's art," they claim. Or when you accidentally resize your main building to the size of a shoebox and can't figure out how to fix it. It's these little hiccups that make the journey all the more memorable. Because in the end, SL21B is not just about the final product; it's about the laughs, the friendships, and the shared joy of creating something spectacular together. Cheers to that!

And then there are the unsung heroes of SL21B: Mischievous (Missy) Mole and Squeaky Mole. These two wonder-workers are the pillars of support for every participant. Their advice, patience, and unparalleled expertise are the glue that holds our frenzied ideas together. They ensure every parcel has everything set up exactly the way we need it.

And we can't forget the tireless SL21B Mole staff. Their dedication to setting up all the SL21B regions is nothing short of miraculous. They are building a world while you watch. Without them, there is no SL21B at all. So thank a Mole the next time you see one.

And if you're hanging around SL21B, you WILL see Lindens and Moles! There's a thrill of spotting them. It's like a virtual safari where you get to chat with these mythical beings in their natural habitat. There's nothing quite like exchanging a few words with Patch Linden or catching sight of a Mole zipping by on their way to assist another resident. Just this evening, Editor Linden spent some time by our parcel. Exciting! Is he writing up something for the Destination Guide? Taking pictures? We have to wait to find out. It's these moments that add an extra sprinkle of magic to the entire process.

But let's not forget the final, nail-biting part of this journey: the Mole inspection. Weeks of hard work culminate in this moment. Missy and Squeaky Mole, with their keen eyes and no-nonsense approach, walk through every display, scrutinizing every detail. Will your painstakingly crafted masterpiece pass the test? Will that quirky, last-minute addition violate any rules? This is where the real anxiety kicks in.

Follow every guideline to the letter!

As Missy and Squeaky meticulously examine every feature, your heart races. The suspense is palpable. Yet, despite the nerves, there's a sense of pride and accomplishment in reaching this stage. We've poured our hearts into our displays, and seeing them come to life is a reward in itself.

In the end, the journey of setting up at SL21B is a rollercoaster of emotions—joy, panic, excitement, and a touch of whimsy. It's a testament to the incredible community spirit of Second Life, the unwavering support of the Moles, and the boundless creativity that fuels our virtual world. So here's to SL21B, a celebration of dreams, surprises, and the wonderful chaos of collaboration. May our parcels shine bright, and may we all pass the Mole inspection with flying colors!

Article and photographs by Liberty Fairelander


If you have one of our stamp terminals and you're having an event or would like to make an announcement, just let us know and we'll be happy to feature it here. Please drop a notecard on the Editor, Dave (Lord.Junibalya) in-world or use the Email the Editor link in the sidebar to send us your information, posters and/or photos.

Visit the BBB Waterworks at SL21B

Amanda's SL21B Logo

SL21B is open and the big celebration begins. The BBB's exhibit is in the Breathtaking region and is called BBB Waterworks. Come visit us. Your water taxi is here


Summer Sailstice

St aubrey neon logo

The St. Aubrey and St. Aubrey Sud team is looking forward to welcoming you to its stand at SUMMER SAILSTICE from June 21 to 28.
St. Aubrey / Sud can certainly compete with the most beautiful airfields with marinas in Second Life. It also offers hangars, terminals and bungalows for rent. And there are numerous places to linger.

Not forgetting the boat races organized three times a week by the yacht club.
St. Aubrey and St. Aubrey Sud each have their own BBB stamp terminal for your passport.

Our Team :
Bull OGrady (BullOgrady), owner St. Aubrey.
Metmes Zerbino (Metmes Zerbnino), owner of St. Aubrey Sud.
Hakiria OGrady (Hakiria), co-owner St. Aubrey / South
Bianca (tgbianca), Head and manager of the sailing club
Josy Laville (Josy Laville), Head of the Coast Guard


The LGBTQ History Museum has an exhibit at the Summer in Bellisseria celebration and Bellisseria Pride is also a part of the event – offering two separate stamps.

Northern Operations has a stand at SL21B where you can find out about the health, social, and emotional benefits of fishing both in real life and SL.. Rain or shine, you can always fish!

Liberty Fire Department's SL21B Exhibit is all about how they use Earth, Water and Air to combat the 4th Element, Fire.

Our final new location this week is Fawkes Landing, which is an adult seaside resort village. Beware of sexual content. You can book your next vacation here with multiple resort options such as a beach, ski hill and campsite. You can also participate in community events including art and history classes, photography workshops and wrestling. There's also golf, bowling and much more.

Please note that stamps for events are announced in the last issue of the Gazette before the event opens. Stamp terminals are usually not accessible until the event actually begins. 

LGBTQ History Museum at Summer in Bellisseria BE

Event: June 27 to July 7, 2024


BBB Stamp Locations 22 Jun 24.002 Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 23.53.57

Northern Operations at SL21B PE

Event June 21 to July 21, 2024


BBB Stamp Locations 22 Jun 24.003 Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 23.57.09

Liberty Fire Department - SL21B PE

Event: June 21 to July 21, 2024

BBB Stamp Locations 22 Jun 24.005 Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 20.44.58

Bellisseria Pride @ Bellisseria BE

Event: June 27 to July 7, 2024

BBB Stamp Locations 22 Jun 24.006 Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 00.18.55

Bellisseria Pride Parade and Party BE

Event: June 29, 2024

BBB Stamp Locations 22 Jun 24.007 Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 00.25.47
Fawkes Landing PE


BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00 copy 2.001 Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 23.15.52

Please feel free to leave comments. We welcome feedback! The comment form asks for an email address but that's entirely optional. Just leave it blank if you prefer.

SL21B Begins Soon | Events & Announcements | New Locations


Amanda's SL21B LogoOn June 23rd, Second Life will be turning 21. The SL21B celebrations will run from June 21st through July 21st – a month-long party and the BBB is happy once more to be taking part. Apart from hosting the terminal for the commemorative stamp for the big event, we'll be welcoming visitors to our very own water-themed build. The event theme is Elements and, let's face it, water is the fun one!

Boo (our Founder) and AmandaT were our team who set to work to create it. They chose the element 'Water' because many Bellisserians love sailing and water-related activities. Many of us have fleets of boats in inventory!

Ambassador to the C.D.S., H.E. Sandy Burgess, provided a space for AmandaT to play with her ideas before the allocated plot at SL21B was released. Once it was available, she set to work implementing them. As all SL builders know, it's very satisfying to see an empty place transform into something from your imagination!

When Boo joined the crew, he further developed AmandaT's ideas and created the infrastructure for the build. 

The original concept involved an underwater tunnel made of glass, allowing visitors to walk among corals and see fish swimming above and around. This was a challenge to realise in such a short time. Boo had similar ideas and together they worked out a practical implementation we hope visitors will enjoy., 

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 20.31.55While Boo worked on the details, AmandaT created our Waterworks Bar. To enhance the water theme, she added waves, rain, and a lightning scene that adds a whimsical feel. We  hope visitors will all enjoy spending time there and we look forward to meeting our stamp collectors and issuing our personal event stamps from our SSID (Single Stamp Issuing Device) tablets.

Boo built our second floor, cleverly transforming our self-made building into an ex-Waterworks, which we made resemble a small museum. We have our BBB wall displays, where people wanting to get passports, apply for driving licences or other bureaucratic items can find what they need.

Liberty helped us not least with a fabulous EEP that enhanced how our area looks.  We thank Robert Rhodan, Teresa Firelight, and Liberty for stepping in to help. Things go much better when you have a multi-talented team working together! 

We look forward to welcoming you.

 Article and graphics by AmandaT Tamatzui


If you have one of our stamp terminals and you're having an event or would like to make an announcement, just let us know and we'll be happy to feature it here. Please drop a notecard on the Editor, Dave (Lord.Junibalya) in-world or use the Email the Editor link in the sidebar to send us your information, posters and/or photos.

Beach Art Party!

Beach_Art_Party_with_ATG_in_CDSCome for a fun beach party and great art! Amandat Tamatzui's Gallery in the CDS  sits right in front of the Locus Amoenus Beach where we will be partying this Sunday June 16 from 1pm SLT. The DJ is Frank Atisso so come along for an evening of great music and lovely visuals.

This event is organized by Amandat Tamatzui Gallery. Here's your taxi.


Kim's Legacy in Sansara is a picturesque coastal villa with an art gallery and wine tasting room. Relax and enjoy! Dock your boat at the pier and wander through the fields of lavender.. It's located on the Mare Secundus, with access to the 7 seas.

The SL21B booth about the Sea of Fables has some ocean, beach, piers and an underwater scene representing Linden builds in the Sea of Fables regions. Please note that - like all the SL21B stamps featured this week – this will not be accessible until the event opens. 

There is a new information centre for visitors to Drama Llama in Bellisseria; serving travellers by road, rail and sail. It offers many free maps, information, travel resources and refreshments, with more being added all the time.

Linden Lab are rapidly expanding the Ranch regions to meet demand. There will eventually be a community centre and other public spaces, but these are yet to be built. So Simon Garrison has kindly decided to make his own Linden Home available in the meantime as the Maple Ridge Linden Ranch Community Centre. It is open to all residents of Bellisseria and beyond. There are food and drinks available and many other fun items and activities. To the eastern side is a Rez Zone should you wish to rez vehicles of your own (98 prims maximum).

Lighthouse Coffee is a laid back café overlooking the Oh Buoy Lighthouse and its  adjoining public beach. It features games and hosts occasional tournaments

Bellisserians love sailing and having fun related to water, so what better way to share that than with a Water Theme build for the BBB at SL21B? The theme is "Elements" and water is the most fun one!

The BBB is once more happy to host the event stamp for the SLB celebrations. 

Drinking, dancing, and gathering at the pub can be a fun way to get together in Second Life® just as in Real Life. So we're providing a bar for visitors to SL21B to enjoy and hang out with each other. We hope to see you there. Remember to get the stamp before you drink too much. 

Bellisseria Citizens' Group has been at the heart of the Bellissieria community since day #1 and is one of the most active groups in Second Life®. Not affiliated with Linden Lab, it is a resident initiative and the largest citizen-run social group for those interested in Bellisseria. You can chat, ask for help and join their parties, and other events. Come to the group HQ to explore, enjoy the views, eat and drink, play some games, chat, get gifts and much more.

Elemental Harmony is an SL21B Exhibit by Bellisseria Citizens' Group: a beautiful reminder of the delicate balance that exists between the elements: earth, water, wind, and fire, and how they work together to create a harmonious existence.

Kim's Legacy SN BBB Stamp Locations 15 Jun 24.001 Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 20.01.35

SL21B Sea of Fables Booth PE

Event June 21 to July 21, 2024

BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.002 Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 20.04.24
Drama Llama Visitor Center BE BBB Stamp Locations 15 Jun 24.003 Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 20.55.14
Maple Ridge Linden Ranch Community Centre BE BBB Stamp Locations 15 Jun 24.004 Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 20.11.13
Lighthouse Coffee BE BBB Stamp Locations 15 Jun 24.005 Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 20.20.51

SL21B BBB Waterworks PE

Event June 21 to July 21, 2024

BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.006 Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 20.25.40

SL21B Main Stamp PE

Event June 21 to July 21, 2024

BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.007 Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 20.31.55
SL21B Waterworks Bar PE

Event June 21 to July 21, 2024

BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.008 Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 20.41.32
Bellisseria Citizens Group HQ BE BBB Stamp Locations 15 Jun 24.010 Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 20.48.13

Elemental Harmony SL21B Exhibit PE

Event June 21 to July 21, 2024

BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.010 Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 20.54.08

Please feel free to leave comments. We welcome feedback! The comment form asks for an email address but that's entirely optional. Just leave it blank if you prefer.

The Future of Mentoring in SL | Events & Announcements | New Locations

THE FUTURE OF MENTORING IN SECOND LIFE: Embracing AI While Honoring Human Expertise

In recent announcements, Linden Lab outlined its vision for integrating AI into the Second Life® platform, aiming to enhance user experience and streamline various functionalities. While this technological advancement holds exciting potential, it also raises important questions about the future of mentoring within the virtual world, especially concerning the invaluable contributions of human mentors.

AI's Role in Second Life

Linden Lab's commitment to innovation is evident in its plans to incorporate AI-driven tools designed to assist residents with various tasks. From automated customer support to personalised recommendations, AI promises to make navigating SL more intuitive and engaging. These developments are expected significantly to benefit newcomers, providing instant answers and guidance as they explore the vast possibilities within the virtual environment.

The Human Touch in Mentoring

Despite the advantages of AI, the essence of mentoring in SL lies in personal connections and experiences shared by real people. Human mentors bring a unique blend of empathy, creativity, and firsthand knowledge that AI cannot replicate. They offer nuanced support, understand the emotional aspects of virtual interactions, and provide a sense of community that fosters deeper engagement.

Current mentors, with their diverse backgrounds and expertise, play a crucial role in helping residents overcome challenges, discover new opportunities, and feel welcomed within the Second Life community. Their ability to relate to others on a personal level and adapt their mentoring styles to individual needs remains irreplaceable.

Balancing AI and Human Mentoring

As Second Life evolves, the integration of AI should be seen as a complementary enhancement rather than a replacement for human mentors. AI can handle routine inquiries, freeing up human mentors to focus on more complex and meaningful interactions. This balance allows for a more efficient and enriching experience for all residents.

Human mentors can also benefit from AI tools that provide them with insights and resources, enabling them to deliver even more effective guidance. By leveraging AI for administrative tasks, mentors can dedicate more time to fostering creativity, building relationships, and cultivating a vibrant and supportive community.

Honouring the Contributions of Real People

It's essential to recognize and celebrate the dedication and passion of current mentors. Their contributions have shaped SL into the thriving virtual world it is today. As we look to the future, Linden Lab's commitment to enhancing the platform with AI should go hand in hand with honoring and supporting the mentors who continue to be the heart and soul of the community.

In conclusion, the future of mentoring in Second Life will be a blend of cutting-edge technology and the irreplaceable human touch. AI will undoubtedly bring new possibilities and efficiencies, but it is the real people behind the avatars who will continue to inspire, guide, and connect residents in meaningful ways. As we embrace these advancements, let us not forget the mentors who have made Second Life® a welcoming and vibrant place for all.

Article and photograph by Liberty Fairelander


If you have one of our stamp terminals and you're having an event or would like to make an announcement, just let us know and we'll be happy to feature it here. Please drop a notecard on the Editor, Dave (Lord.Junibalya) in-world or use the Email the Editor link in the sidebar to send us your information, posters and/or photos.

Bellisseria Citizens/BBB Route Planning Project

The interactive mapping projects on which our HTML guru Robert Rhodan has been working for a while (see "Useful Maps" in sidebar) seem likely to reach their logical conclusion eventually. A spontaneous community project has taken flight, fuelled by discussions in the Bellisseria Citizens Group. So far the people involved are Mav, MissHammie, Dreamer Pixelmaid, ev. Bahama Joe, Robert (of course) and indirectly Jon Ree and Sandy Burgess  

This is still very much a work in progress with locations being added so it’s incomplete at present.

Here's the link for you to test it out. 


Do you dream?" he asked. "i don't remember" I told him. "Sometimes I catch memories of things that i think must have come from my dreams." These enigmatic words signal the spirit of this Nature Collective location. 

First opened for initial viewing in May of 2008 and with parcels throughout the city auctioned soon after, Bay City is a Mainland community which has become one of the highlights of Second Life®: a blending of Linden infrastructure and a community of involved residents. The home to local community and commerce, the Bay City Community Center features information for anyone seeking to learn about life in the city by the bay. It is home to the resident-run Bay City Alliance, also founded in 2008, to promote the Bay City regions and provide a venue for residents and other interested parties to socialise and network.

Memories of Dreams PE BBB Stamp Locations 8 Jun 24.001 Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 09.43.36
Bay City Community Center SN BBB Stamp Locations 8 Jun 24.002 Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 09.51.03

Please feel free to leave comments. We welcome feedback! The comment form asks for an email address but that's entirely optional. Just leave it blank if you prefer.

Fleet Week | Hamanji Video | Events & Announcements | New Locations


3- SLCG Group Standard SLCG Logo1Fleet Week is an annual highlight in the Second Life® calendar, where military groups from across the platform come together to showcase their activities, achievements, and methodologies. This year, Fleet Week runs from June 3rd to 8th, featuring designated days for each participating group to take the spotlight. The Second Life Coast Guard (SLCG) is set to shine on June 4th.

A Legacy of Service

Established in 2005, the SLCG holds the distinction of being the oldest continuously operating service group in SL. With over 270 active members from around the globe, the SLCG has been dedicated to serving the community for 19 years. RDML Coralie Foggarty, Area Commander of the SLCG, reflects on the organisation's enduring appeal:

I joined the SLCG six years ago, seeking something different, fulfilling, and community-oriented. To this day, I have never had a dull moment and have formed wonderful friendships.

Event Highlights

RDML Foggarty shared some of the exciting events planned for this year’s Fleet Week and Fleet Day:

  • Sail Race: Open to the public, this event was a huge success last year and promises to be a highlight again.
  • Mini Hunt: A fun activity that everyone can join.
  • Vessel Displays: Public can board and explore various SLCG vessels.
  • Life and Rescue Demonstrations: Simulations in extreme polar conditions.
  • Deep Sea Adventures: In collaboration with the SL Environmental Corps, exploring underwater dangers.
  • Skydiving Facilities: Offering a thrilling experience for attendees.
  • Historical Station Munro: Featuring historical reenactments and tributes to World War II Coast Guard operations.

Our main venue site is Air Station Acknefar, housing many of our training centres and elite teams. We are committed to providing a comprehensive and engaging experience for the public,

RDML Foggarty noted.

Community Engagement and Training

The SLCG prides itself on its strong community engagement and extensive training programs. The group promotes boating safety, clears navigation hazards, and provides search and rescue services.

We love to interact with the SL Community. Our group is geared towards serving all of SL, and that interaction is our focus and priority,

RDML Foggarty emphasised.

Members of the SLCG undergo rigorous training in various fields, including boater safety, aviation, medical response, scuba diving, sailing, parachuting, and leadership development. The SLCG provides all necessary equipment, such as uniforms, patrol boats, dive boats, and aircraft, free of charge.

Preparation and Teamwork

Preparing for Fleet Week is a comprehensive effort that involves the entire SLCG.

Every year, the whole of SLCG plunges with enthusiasm into this project. We involve everyone in it, with training centers working many hours preparing events, demos, and shows. I am always in awe of how many talented, active, creative, and hardworking people we have.

RDML Foggarty explained.

Looking Forward

As SL continues to evolve, so does Fleet Week. RDML Foggarty sees the event and the SLCG adapting to changes and maintaining their SL presence for many years to come.

We are a group that embraces change and adaptability. Fleet Week evolves at a fast pace, and we adjust and rethink our approach to ensure we stay relevant,

she said.

Join the Second Life Coast Guard

The SLCG is always looking for new members to join their ranks. If you're interested in becoming part of a dedicated and passionate group, the SLCG invites you to get an information packet and apply.

Come have fun with us! Get to know us! We love what we do, and we would love to see you and get to know you too,

RDML Foggarty encouraged.

Fleet Week is not just an event; it's a celebration of dedication, service, and community. Don't miss out on the opportunity to engage with the SLCG and experience the best of what they have to offer. See you on the water!

Article by Liberty Fairelander | Photos courtesy of the SLCG


Hamanji, an enchanting event organized by the Bellisserian Hamsters, fondly known as The Hammies, offers a serene experience in a lush forest teeming with diverse animal life. This amazing and diligently created venue, beautifully captured in a video by Robert Rhodan (and its spirit put into the lyrics of his AI-generated epilogue song) invites visitors to wander through the verdant landscape, appreciating the natural beauty and the importance of animal preservation. 

Beginning on May 25th and running through June 22nd, Hamanji not only showcases the dedication of The Hammies to wildlife conservation but also provides a tranquil retreat for Second Life residents. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with nature and support a meaningful cause—Hamanji is an event you won't want to miss!

Article byLiberty Fairelander | Video and original music by Robert Rhodan for the Bellisseria Hamsters


If you have one of our stamp terminals and you're having an event or would like to make an announcement, just let us know and we'll be happy to feature it here. Please drop a notecard on the Editor, Dave (Lord.Junibalya) in-world or use the Email the Editor link in the sidebar to send us your information, posters and/or photos.

SL PoH OH welcomes

...Deborah Mercury's Way Past My Naptime
est. 4/2024
something out of the ordinary I took a more North African style than an Italian

exterior interior deco


Fleet Day at the SLCG

SLCG Fleet Day 2024

Here's your tender boat.


Mystic Moon Café, guided by the ancient wisdom of its enigmatic proprietor, Sage, is a bewitching haven for those in search of more than just a caffeine fix. Nestled in an otherworldly nook, this coffeehouse exudes an aura of enchantment. If it seems familiar, it's not deja vu! This is a new stamp for an old location.

At Fleet Week, there will be booths to explore to learn about Navy groups and how to get involved. There will be demonstrations held at various Navy bases in SL that guests can attend as well as a fantastic aerobatic demonstration by the Blue Angels Flight team. On the final day there will be a landing contest all can join in for prizes and, of course, a dance party!

The S.L. Coast Guard is part of the organisation of the yearly Fleet Week. It will have its own full day, June 4th, with many events; an open hunt, skydiving for all, Air and Sea Show/Demos, Search and Rescue, Dive, Ice Station Demos, and much more! The main event is located in Air Station Acknefar and for speciality demos ( dive, sail race and Ice Station) there will be transport to those locations.

Exhibit F is a modern industrial non-profit art gallery for small to medium installations.

Mystic Moon Café HE BBB Stamp Location Mystic Moon Cafe Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 18.58.52
Fleet Week 2024 NA BBB Stamp Locations 1 Jun 24.001 Screenshot 2024-05-26 at 20.41.26
SLCG Fleet Day NA BBB Stamp Locations 1 Jun 24.002 Screenshot 2024-05-26 at 21.00.20
Exhibit F ST BBB Stamp Locations 1 Jun 24.003 Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 22.01.59

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