
More SL music from Robert | Events & Announcements | New Locations


In between making stamps, organising our web-based services and creating amazing interactive maps of SL, our very own Robert Rhodan has created these rock n roll anthems for the Confederation of Democratic Simulators using Suno and ChatGPT. He commented;

It was an exciting check on what could be achieved with AI and a little twisting by a human, and it got me surprised - as a German saying goes: "es fetzt".

This is one of three songs and they all are licence-free and available as MP3s at Robert's YouTube page, where you can also enable a transcript so you can sing along. Rock on, Robert!


If you have one of our stamp terminals and you're having an event or would like to make an announcement, just let us know and we'll be happy to feature it here. Please drop a notecard on the Editor, Dave (Lord.Junibalya) in-world or use the Email the Editor link in the sidebar to send us your information, posters and/or photos.

Stilt Decks article at Parade of Homes Review

There's a new article over at our sister publication, Parade of Homes Review. Teresa Firelight has written an interesting piece about the various "wrap-around deck" add-ons available for the ever-popular stilt homes.

The link is here


Join the BBB in celebrating SL21B 

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Your friends at the BBB invite you to enjoy the wonderful singing of Shantu Selene. If you heard him at our B5B celebration, you'll know you don't want to miss this event! Since the venue is our BBB Waterworks, the dress theme is anything to do with water. Maybe you want to come as a plumber, a swimmer, a lifeguard, a sailor or a mermaid? We're sure you have more ideas on your list!

Please keep it PG as we are in a General area. See you there and don't forget to get your passport stamped!

Here's your taxi.


Emotions at the Black Tulip Gallery
Here's your taxi.


Firstly, not a new location but thanks to a redesign at the owners' request, there's a new stamp to be had at an old location at Saint Aubrey Sud on Corsica. The International Spaceflight Museum however, is a new location for us – and a very impressive one too. 

The BBB is partying at SL21B to the music of Shantu Selene. There will be not one, but two, special event stamps to commemorate the occasion. 

The quest for personal stamps from Lindens, Moles, ambassadors and bureaucrats at SL21B continues. There have been changes to the master list, so be sure to check here to see what's now available.

Saint Aubrey Sud CA

(stamp redesign at old location)

BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00 copy.001 Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 19.20.11
IMS International Spaceflight Museum PE


BBB Stamp Locations 6 July 2024.003 Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 02.40.20

Shantu Sings @ BBB Waterworks SL21B

Event 10th July

BBB Stamp Locations 6 July 2024.002 Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 02.42.59

Shantu Sings @ BBB Waterworks SL21B (2nd stamp)

Event 10th July

BBB Stamp Locations 6 July 2024.002 Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 02.43.59

Please feel free to leave comments. We welcome feedback! The comment form asks for an email address but that's entirely optional. Just leave it blank if you prefer.

How to be a Good Belli Neighbour | Events & Announcements | New Locations


Good neighbor colorful 2National Good Neighbor Day is Sept 28th, 2023. Yes, there really is such a thing – at least in the United States, where Second Life is headquartered.

Started by Betty Mattson in Montana in 1971, President Carter made it a national holiday in 1978. The date was changed to Sept 28th in 2004 and we have been celebrating that date as National Good Neighbor Day for the past 20 years – both in Real Life and virtually.

If you look at your calendar, you probably noticed that today is September 9th, and the holiday is still almost three weeks away. So why talk about it now? To give you time to make sure you are a Good Neighbour in Bellisseria (or wherever in SL you currently reside).

I have five tips for you on how to be a Bellisserian good neighbour.

Tip 1 – Avoid Full Bright / Light Pollution

Full bright textures in the yard/garden can be extremely disruptive to neighbours, because they stick out like a sore thumb and are visually disruptive. The same can be said of light emitters and objects with glow. Flashing objects are another offender.

(By the way, this doesn't apply the Fantasy Theme homes, as that theme has a lot of full bright and glow built into the landscaping.)

You might have full bright or glowing objects or light emitters in your yard and not even realize it. Some of the landscape creators enable these features in things you buy to decorate your yard. If you keep your environment on daylight, you probably won’t notice it.

Fortunately, it is easy for you to check for light pollution. Simply set your personal environment to a night-time setting, and go walk around your yard. Full bright, glow and light emitters will almost literally jump out at you as you walk around your property.

A dark environment setting enables you to see anything that needs to be modified. Then you can fix it using the SL Editor. The glow and full bright settings are on the Texture tab, and light emitters are on the Features tab.

Tip 2 – Avoid Sound Pollution

Sounds in Second Life carry further than you may realise. That piano which plays the same song over and over may be pleasing to you, but might drive your neighbours crazy. The same goes for crying babies, barking dogs and machinery.

Sometimes you can control this by adjusting the volume of the noise emitting sounds. Other times the noise volume cannot be modified.

One way to keep sounds from disturbing your neighbor is a setting in About Land on the Sound tab. There is a little box you can check Restrict gesture and object sounds to this parcel. It will keep your noisy objects from bothering your neighbours.

The downside is that you also will not hear the Linden sounds, such as birds singing or crickets chirping or water running. If you enjoy the Linden sounds, you can always uncheck that box when you are home and check it again just before you leave.

Tip 3 – Avoid Clutter and Messes

Sometimes people use their yard to unpack their shopping and leave the packages in the yard. Or they put things out for personal use that don't really belong such as pose stands, etc. It is better to either unpack your shopping goodies inside the house or else to set up a platform 2000M above the house and keep your clutter there.

Tip 4 – Stay In Theme

I think this is fairly self-evident. Palm trees and surf boards don’t really fit in a log home setting, and fantasy trees with glowing purple leaves aren’t really appropriate at the Stilt beach. You get the idea. You may have some favourite items from a previous theme. But before you put them out at your current home, ask yourself if they are appropriate for the theme you are in now. 

Hint 5 – “Be Friendly

I could go on about things to avoid doing. But instead of focusing more on that, I would like to end on a more positive and proactive note. It would be great if we could greet neighbors that we don't know in IM, welcome someone new to the neighborhood, compliment people on their pretty landscaping, engage in friendly chat with others in the area, etc.

I would like to encourage you to reach out and touch those around you, even if it is chatting briefly by IM. Get to know people. Make friends out of your neighbours.

In closing, I encourage you to try at least one new thing to be a good neighbour for Sept 28th … and then keep finding more ways to be a great neighbour on an ongoing basis.

Article and image by Teresa Firelight


If you have one of our stamp terminals at your place and you're having an event there or would like to make any other announcement, just let us know and we'll be happy to feature it here. Please drop a notecard on the Editor Dave (Lord.Junibalya) in-world or use the Email the Editor link in the sidebar to send us your information, posters or photos.

Upcoming events on Planet Tambalya

AmandaT Tamatzui's full-region sci-fi art installation at the Second Life Endowment for the Arts is in full swing. There are two events upcoming and here are the details

BlackPink Concert at Planet Tambalya
BlackPink Kpop Concert at Planet Tambalya
Party with DJ Ethahm at Planet Tambalya

Both events are in the Tambalya Space Station's MegaDome event venue. There will be gifts for visitors. 

The Tambalya SS MegaDome_001
MegaDome Events Venue at Tambalya Space Station


Realms of Xaandaria - Campaign One is the first event in a series that will take you through different areas of a fantasy realm inspired by massively multi-player online role-playing games (MMORPG). The first adventure starts in the city where brave adventurers ready themselves for their coming adventures. So whether you are a human, elf or orc, warrior, cleric or mage its time for the adventures to begin! The event will take place at the Bellisseria Fairgrounds.

Mieville Historical Hunts is an active moderate-level community of several multi-purpose regions managed by members of the Mieville Historical Hunts group. They are currently staging their thirteenth annual Renaissance Hunt.

Realms of Xaandaria BE

Event from 11th - 26th Sep 2023

‎BBB Stamp Locations 9 Sep 2023.‎001 Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 09.51.41

Mieville 13th Annual Renaissance Hunt PE

Event from 1st to 24th September 2023


‎BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.‎001 Screenshot 2023-09-09 at 10.14.03

At last! Mainland Passports | A Day in the Life: Robert Rhodan | New Locations


The Bellissarian Bureau of Bureaucracy was founded as a quirky idea to build community on the then-new Linden Homes continent. From the beginning other SL'ers asked if they could have passports too, but we just didn't have the staff. Now however we are delighted to announce a solution!

As from today, there are terminals at or near our embassies where local residents can obtain that continent's passport. It's issued automatically and completely free of charge by a new group, the Continental Passport Control Board (CPCB) using tried and tested BBB technology.

A CPCB Passport Dispenser
click to enlarge

Each passport bears the applicant's Rez Day, a unique identification number and the date of issue. A setup menu allows the passport holder to add the name and photo of their choice and to change them as often as they wish.

If you don't live on the Continents where we have embassies (e.g. you have your own private island or rent a place on a private estate) you have the option of obtaining a generic Second Life® passport.

Your editor's (a dual national of Bellisseria and Satori) new passport
Your editor's (a Bellisseria/Satori dual citizen) new passport / click to enlarge

CPCB passport holders can collect stamps at all the locations in the Online Travel Guide. All of these locations are curated to include places of interest built by SL residents or our beloved Moles.

To new readers unfamiliar with our passports, anyone can apply for a stamp terminal anywhere in SL. We design a unique stamp for you unless you wish to design your own. We provide the stamps and terminals free of charge (but not to drive traffic to commercial locations). The idea is to encourage exploration, knowledge of SL geography – and fun!

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click to enlarge

The mainland passports are a new service provided free of charge to all comers. They are supported in-world by a small CPCB team via a new user group open to all. The group will provide technical support. Information about locations and events is available here every week from the Gazette and 24/7 in the Online Travel Guide.

What does this mean for Bellisserians? They no longer have to disappoint friends who want to join in the fun! They can direct them to the relevant embassy (SLURLs are in the sidebar and the Official Locations section of the Online Travel Guide) to get their own passport. They can also encourage them to contact the Hon. Ambassador to their continent, whose job it is to bring Mainlanders and Bellisserians together for cool events and activities.

They will continue to receive weekly updates in-world and to have access in BBBug group chat to support from the BBB team.

What does this mean for people with BBB Stamp Terminals on their land? More potential new visitors and friends! 

What does this mean for the BBB Gazette? Check out our new masthead at the top of the page! As the main channel of communication with mainland passport holders, we get a new name – we're now simply The Gazette – which is what most people call us anyway!

We get to serve all SL residents and we're happy about that. We look forward to welcoming new readers. Our editor, Dave, has also joined the CPCB staff as an administrator, so feel free to contact him through the group, the email link in the sidebar or the mailbox at The Gazette's office.

Satori Passport Dispenser_002
Passport Dispenser Terminals in production | click to enlarge

What does this mean for SL in general? We hope the new passports will further promote SL tourism and encourage more SL'ers to get to know our wonderful virtual world (and each other) better.

Welcome mainlanders! Have fun with your new passports!!


Screenshot 2022-03-01 at 13.38.09There is nothing much more relaxing than drinking my morning tea on the garden bench of my Belli home; looking at the Sakura trees move in the breeze, and watching my beloved red fox Fix roam the garden.  Always under the eye of Hypatia the owl, whom an old friend was kind enough to give a new home with me.

Next I look into my inbox to see if my BBB boss Sun has asked me to create new passport stamps for interesting locations. I enjoy making these, though I am always tempted to create unconventional designs, as pictured here.

I have been happy to learn I have some artistic freedom – kudos to Sun for her tolerance.

As I love to hike through beautiful landscape regions, I spend quite some time checking out such places. This is one thing I love about SL; the amazing creativity of many land owners. I am also deeply grateful that SL allows us to be what we wish to be. We can hike and climb mountainous terrain even if elderly or infirm in RL. We can create an avatar of a lost loved one, and give her/him a second life again. That possibility was one reason for me to return to SL many years after I canceled my old account in mourning (so don't take my displayed rez date too seriously).

Screenshot 2022-03-01 at 14.00.08Being retired and living alone in RL, I often use my ample spare time to compose neo-classical and new age music. Our boss of bosses, Boo, when kindly introducing me to the BBB staff wrote "he has a hankering to produce a Bellisserian Anthem." Yes, I do and I will!

The exceptional day of happiness in my renewed Second Life was when my beloved Petal said "yes" to my SL marriage proposal. She is the warm sunshine rays in my mornings when I start my SL day, and the enchanting "Clair de Lune" in the evening before I log off.

Please be lenient with me, my fellow Bellisserians. As the new kid on the block I am learning and listening at the moment. In my new role I shall always be trying to put a smile on your face in the morning, to last for the rest of the day!

Article and photos by Robert Rhodan, the newest member of our bureaucracy.


We have two new LDPW locations this week ,neither of which your editor had seen before. He enjoyed visiting them to take photographs for the Gazette and the Online Travel Guide. We're sure you'll enjoy visiting them too.

The first is the Sand Castle at Valenza in Nautilus. You've seen a sandcastle before, you say? Not on the scale of this one you haven't! Our dear Moles went to town on this one and it's amusing to imagine them all at work with their buckets and spades.

The second is the Second Life Railroad (SLRR) station at Neumoegen on Heterocera. It's a whimsical, hippy-ish build, unlike any RL station we've every seen. We love the SLRR and your editor had fun exploring. He brought out a train from his inventory at the Rez Zone there and managed to drive it all the way to our Embassy, which has its own station.

The other new stamp is for an event at the Bellisseria Fairgrounds which takes place today and tomorrow. So if you want to grab that one, you'll need to be quick! The event is the 2nd anniversary of the Bellisseria Entertainers & Events group. They've been bringing music to Bellisseria for two years and they're bringing more to the fairgrounds to celebrate. It should be fun! As always, if you click on the images below you'll get an enlarged version so you can see all the details.

Sand Castle NA BBB Stamp Locations 5 March 2022.001 Screenshot 2022-03-01 at 18.16.41
SLRR Neumoegen Station HE BBB Stamp Locations 5 March 2022.002 Screenshot 2022-03-01 at 18.17.39
Bellisseria Entertainers & Events 2nd Anniversary BE BBB Stamp Locations 1 v2.00.001 Screenshot 2022-03-02 at 21.57.09