The 20th Floor of Art opens at the LG Tower

Our Founder, LastDitch Writer, began our collection of SL art in 2007. Initially he exhibited it on a single deck of the enormous Airship "Limoncello", which was once the largest moving vehicle in Second Life®. That is why we're known as "The Limoncello Art Gallery." The airship is still in use to exhibit art. It has been rebuilt in mesh to save Land Impact and all three of its decks have been stripped of their passenger cabins to form gallery space. Despite that, our collection has long since outgrown it. Apart from AS Limoncello's three decks (and the upper deck of our owner Dave's houseboat in Bellisseria) the collection has for some years mostly been housed in the LG Tower.

The collection has grown more slowly since Dave became editor of The Gazette. His work there takes up much of his time in SL (which is why the Limoncello News has fallen into disuse) but his art collection has still grown steadily. A milestone has now been reached, in that the 20th (and final) gallery floor of the LG Tower has been brought into use. At current rates of growth, this should keep the gallery going for at least another year or so. After that, who knows? Dave may have to sacrifice his beloved space station in geostationary orbit above the tower in order to make more space for art.

The first (and for now the only)  art work exhibited on the 20th Floor is "A Discovery", by Astella Warrigal - a new artist to the gallery whom Dave met recently at the opening of the new incarnation of Artsville. Astella enjoys creating art in a variety of mediums: watercolor, acrylic, pencil, pen and ink, oil, digital, and photography.

The works added on the 18th and 19th floors have not really been written about here as they've been acquired. If you haven't stopped by for a while there's a lot of new art to see! Come visit!

Our Bellisseria Gallery is moving - but not very far!

In addition to our main location at Nyunanga, where we now have our original SL gallery – the Airship Limoncello – moored to the roof of the 20-storey LG Tower, we have long had a location in Bellisseria. The Bellisseria Limoncello Gallery was housed discreetly in a sky-box above our owner Dave's houseboat, moored in the Sirinial Region.

Dave has decided to upgrade to one of the new houseboat designs offered by the Lindens, which has an airy upper-floor with sea views. An artist friend suggested that this space would be perfect for an art gallery, particularly as it has its own separate entrance. We've decided to act on her splendid suggestion.

So the Limoncello Gallery in Sirinial is in the process of being re-housed on the upper deck of Dave's new houseboat, giving it visibility from the ground and adding a further point of interest to the charming sandbanks neighbourhood of Squishy Pickle. No modifications were needed at all to the new boat and the signage is discreetly executed in weathered paint for a seaside look that fits into the locality. It's all been carefully designed to comply with the Bellisseria Covenant

The lower deck of the boat is Dave's private home, but you, gentle reader, are very welcome to look around if you wish.

Limoncello Art Gallery  Sirinial_001
The old skyb0x remains in use – though it's smaller now. A door connects the two – just open it and walk through. You'll have to accept an experience the first time, but then it works seamlessly. From the skybox annexe, you can walk through another door that will take you into the lobby of the LG Tower, where there's yet another door leading to the Airship Limoncello. So it's possible to enjoy our entire private collection of SL art – collected since 2007 and still growing – from wherever you begin to explore it.

Getting about in the Limoncello Gallery_001Our wonderful directory board grid wide teleport system also allows you to move directly to any of our locations, including our "representative offices" in Elven Falls and the Confederation of Democratic Simulators (CDS) as well as the loan collections in the LG Tower kindly made available by Mesdames Balogh, Biedermann and Dragonash.

We hope you will visit to take a look at the new space and we plan to have an opening party there soon. Please make sure you sign up to our mailing list in-world to make sure you receive your invitation.

!The Online Film Festival (OFF) | 7-14 October

!The Online Film Festival "OFF" 2023 will take place at Celadon from 7-14 October this year. The theme is Off the Beaten Track. It is not a contest but a celebration of creativity, art and music on the verge of a tech jump. The opening party will be at the festival venue at 12 noon SLT on October 7th with music provided by wonderful DJ Poppy Morris. 

The festival is organised by good friend of the Limoncello Art Gallery, Fau Ferdinand - whose work features in our collections and who is herself a film maker.

wewelcome from Fau Ferdinand on Vimeo.

When asked about her motivation for organising the festival she told us;

I am a new media artist who has for the past two years have been working intensively in the field of video art. Naturally friends and family started saying I should display my videos, so I started looking at film festivals. I noticed they were usually funded by the participants' entry  fees. I thought I could try a different model. OFF is a festival by makers for makers. 

A wide range of works will be shown and a full list of participants is in the promo video above. Head over to Celadon and enjoy!

Off 2023 full program 3-10 copy

New acquisitions etc.

Art Unbound was a great success. The parties on the space station tested the limits of our Homestead Region! Thank you to all the artists involved and to all our visitors. 

The Special Exhibition by New Zealand Artist AmandaT Tamatzui (Amanda Tomasoa in RL) continues on the 20th Floor of the LG Tower until the end of the month. Don't miss it 

I was busy with my work as editor of The Gazette during SL20B. Now that enormous party is over, I have updated the gallery catalogue to reflect a few new acquisitions. As always, you can find the most recent edition of the catalogue in the information board at each location.

New Acquisitions July 2023

On the 19th Floor of the LG Tower, you'll find the following new works;

  • "AI ART", by Fau Ferdinand 2022 (collaboration with Seraphim Placebo)
  • "XXI Century 1", by Milena Carbone
  • "Kingfisher', by Anja (neobookie)
  • "Moon struck w. owl - digital collage", by Aruba DeCuir
  • "A Fashion Essence of Gears and Findings', by TaccaExotic
  • "Seductive Siren of the Rare Orb', by TaccaExotic
  • "The never ending movie," by Fau Ferdinand 2023

I hope you enjoy them. Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Art Unbound: SPACE WALK

ArtUnbound-SpaceWalkPosterFor some time now, the Limoncello Art Gallery has been the proud sponsor of Infinite Production's series of Pop up art galleries: Art Unbound. The idea behind the project is to take art out of its "palaces" – the conventional art galleries – and take it to the most unlikely places. We've had Art Unbound on the Mother Road, in a beach hut and in bombed-out buildings. Now we're taking it to Outer Space!

The pop up gallery is aboard the Limoncello Space Station, in orbit above the main location of the Limoncello Art Gallery in Nyunanga. Organiser and curator, Cate Infinity – the founder of Art Unbound said:

Art knows no bounds, and what better way to prove it than by showcasing it in the limitless expanse of space. A pop-up art show in a space station is not just a display of creativity, but a celebration of human ingenuity and the spirit of exploration.

The exhibition will feature works by Caly Applewhyte, Cherry Manga, Sina Souza, Fiona Parx Whiterose, Thus Yootz, Anja Neobookie, Kraven Klees, Treacle Darlandes, traci, Talloulah Warra and Bamboo Barnes (all on loan from our gallery) as well as new pieces by Gamma Infinity, Esta Republic, Fau Ferdinand, AmandaT Tamatzui and Cate Infinity herself. It will run from May 13th to June 3rd, 2023

The opening party will be on Saturday May 13th at 12 noon SLT. Space attire is optional as you never need venture out of the artificial gravity and life support of the space station (unless you want to). There'll be an after-party for our friends in the Officers' Mess of the space station. Dress code for that is lingerie. 

Music will be provided by DJs Suzen Juel and Frank Atisso. We hope to see you there!

An additional location for the Limoncello Art Gallery

Dave, the gallery owner, has become a citizen of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators in the Germanic region of Neufreistadt. His place on the Marktplatz (Market Square) near the Rathaus (town hall) is now the "Limoncello Kunstgalerie" – a representative office of our gallery, with teleports to all our locations, an information board and a mailing list subscriber kiosk. Feel free to stop by and take a look. 

The CDS is a group of private regions operated as a real democracy. As their website says; 

The CDS is a real, working democracy, not a roleplay estate. We have a Constitution, a Code of Laws and three branches of government.

It's a really interesting SL place comprising six regions that have loosely based Germanic, Tuscan, Alpine, and Mediterranean themes, representing different historical periods. It's well worth exploring. It also has its own public art gallery. 

A new special exhibition at the LG Tower

AmandaT @LG Tower Poster 20.11.51
We are delighted to announce a new special exhibition at the Limoncello Gallery. New Zealand artist, Amanda Tomasoa (known in SL as AmandaT Tamatzui) is staging a retrospective on the 20th Floor of the LG Tower. Amanda's work is very popular in SL and can be seen at her own galleries in Camorro, Elven Falls and Avery Hills. Her work is noted for its joyful, colourful, exuberant nature.

This is the first special exhibition in the gallery's new private region of Nyunanga, which is named in tribute to our historic home since 2009 in the Nanga region of the Satori continent. We hope, if you haven't visited Nyunanga yet, this will provide you with a good reason to do so.

The exhibition will run from April 28th to July 31st, 2o23. The opening party will be on April 28th at 1pm SLT. Music will be provided by DJ Frank Atisso.

Edition 49: The first acquisitions of 2023

My friend Fau Ferdinand sent me a link to this blog post about a new exhibition called "Future Elite" by Seraphim Placebo at her Placebo Gallery. I have always loved Sci-Fi (as witness the Space Station above the LG Tower, accessible by rocket shuttle from the roof) and these are images from an imagined feudal, clannish and apparently matriarchal world of the future.

The striking images really appealed to me and I bought two of them "Future Elite" and "Future Elite 8" for my collection. They're to be found on Level 18 of the LG Tower at our new location. 

Future Elite and Future Elite 8_001
I hope you like them as much as I do. Please come check them out. Of course, while the exhibition at the Placebo Gallery lasts, you can see more of them there.

Edition 48: A whole new Nanga

There are big changes to our art gallery. Our "home gallery" (a small part of our collection but with inter-regional teleports to our other locations) will remain at Sirinial in Bellisseria. However, we are relocating our historic home – the Airship "Limoncello" – and the LG Tower. Our proprietor, Dave (Lord Junibalya) has taken up Linden Lab's offer to Premium+ members of acquiring a homestead without first buying a full region. 

We are fans of mainland SL and sentimentally attached to our historic home, Nanga. Our founder's first SL home was there and at one point he owned the whole region and neighbouring Pumori. When Dave returned to SL in 2020 after a bereavement break, he embraced Bellisseria; the biggest innovation in his absence. Mainland still has its place though and it was not long before he returned to Nanga, relaunched the old airship and dusted off our huge art collection. It just wouldn't all fit in a skybox over his houseboat in Bellisseria, however frugal he was with his ground-level prims!

Satori was originally meant to be "the Japanese Continent." SL'ers never really took to division on national or cultural lines so all that remains of the idea are the Japanese region names. We decided our new island region should be called Nyunanga (New Nanga). We will be keeping 1,024 square metres of Nanga for sentimental reasons, but all the public art will be found in Sirinial and Nyunanga.

The SLURLs in the sidebar to Limoncello News have been updated to the new locations.

There are 20 storeys of art space in the rebuilt LG Tower and – one of our favourite things about the move - the old airship is now moored to a pylon on the tower roof! As we don't have to hide from Nanga's cluttered skies behind a scenery dome any more, we thought we'd bring these two parts of our collection back together! There is nothing but art on the island at ground level. The rolling scenery is now our sculpture park.

The new galleries are already open and you are most welcome to visit. We are very excited by the move and we hope you will enjoy Nyunanga as much as we do. The LG Tower is here and the Airship Limoncello is now here.

Stay arty, Limoncello Friends, and we hope to see you soon.


Edition 47: Reorganisation | Dave interview | New acquisitions


Our gallery has evolved naturally over the years since we hung our first artwork in 2007. It's a private collection, not a series of exhibitions, so we don't constantly update and rearrange. Many pieces have hung in the same position for years. The whole process was unplanned and organic. There is neither logic nor theme to the display of the collection, which makes for strange bedfellows sometimes!

If you like that  junk shop vibe, you may even have enjoyed it but on our visits to other galleries we noticed others present their art better. We felt embarrassed so have made an effort to improve. 

AS Limoncello revamp 2_001
The main problem was aboard the Airship Limoncello. The old girl was the original Limoncello Gallery and – enormous though she is at 120 metres long – her decks are narrow and confined. We'd fitted in far too many display boards over the years. She was hard to move about in, let alone to find a good viewpoint for some of the art. So we have "thinned out" the collection considerably; moving many pieces down to the LG Tower. We've filled almost four floors there with art from the airship, together with a few new acquisitions (see below).

We tried to keep historic items on the airship, while moving newer items down to the tower, but there's still no theme to any of the displays. It's just art we have liked and bought over the last 15 years – hung a bit more neatly. We hope you approve and enjoy.

AS Limoncello revamp 1_001
It was a lot of work, but we are pleased with the result. As you can see in the pictures, there's a lot more space to move around. There's also more "white space" around each artwork. We think that helps in appreciating the quieter works, which are no longer lost in the clutter. The art no longer on the airship can be found on the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th floors of the LG Tower. We've been able to make many of the pieces bigger (where artist permissions allowed) and think they look better for it. We'd love to hear what you think in the comments. 

In SL the physical rearrangement of the art was not the hard part. it was re-doing our comprehensive catalogue. Pick up a copy from the Welcome Boards in any of our locations and let us know if you detect any errors please.


6a00d83451f09b69e20282e158b2a2200b-320wiMany of you will know that our owner, Dave, works for the Bellisserian Bureau of Bureaucracy and the Continental Passport Control Board. Specifically he is the editor of their official publication, The Gazette. Back in the day The Gazette was actually a joint weekly periodical with the Limoncello News until it all became too much so that two publications were needed. 

Being editor allows him to control how much is said about his work for the BBB/CPCB, which suits his reticent English nature. However journalist Teresa Firelight has been interviewing all the BBB staff in turn. This week, the moment could no longer be put off when Dave had to submit himself to scrutiny. If you're interested, you can read the interview here


Some new acquisitions_001

Changes in our owner, Dave's, private life in RL have prevented him spending as much time on the Limoncello News as he would wish. He has still been buying art though. Our reorganisation of the gallery finally prompted him to rez his most recent new acquisitions out of the "to hang" folder in his inventory onto the walls of the LG Tower.

Here's a list of the new items and a SLURL to the 16th Floor of the LG Tower. To visit the other two floors use the lift/elevator or just fly up in the atrium. The Tower is perfect for a Second Life® gallery because you can fly up the atrium to see each of the floors in turn!

"Worn out" Xia Chieng Purchase, June 2022 LG Tower, Floor 16
"Bland" Xia Chieng Purchase, June 2022 LG Tower, Floor 16
"Body Studies" Xia Chieng Gift of the artist, June 2022 LG Tower, Floor 16
"Eyethings" Myrdin Sommer Gift of the artist LG Tower, Floor 17
"Lady with flower" Kraven Klees Purchase from artist @ Elven Falls 2022 LG Tower, Floor 17
"Before the dream" Kraven Klees Purchase from artist @ Elven Falls 2022 LG Tower, Floor 17
"Row houses" Kraven Klees Purchase from artist @ Elven Falls 2022 LG Tower, Floor 17
"worm transparant" (sic) Myrdin Sommer Gift of the artist LG Tower, Floor 17 (graffito)

"Images from the Coffin: Delain (Retail)"

Traci (traci.ultsch) Purchase, 2022 LG Tower, Floor 18
"Sea Mermaid" Suzen JueL (juel.resistance) Purchase 2022 LG Tower, Floor 18
"Blue Scale" Suzen JueL (juel.resistance) Purchase 2022 LG Tower, Floor 18
"GEISHA in the Soul - 10" Caly Applewhyte Purchase 2022 LG Tower, Floor 18
"Delicatessen 2" Anibrm Jung Purchase from artist @ Elven Falls June 2022 LG Tower, Floor 18