Limoncello News – Edition 15
To get closer to the artists who make SL special for us, we've opened another office among them. This time it's in the Carmel Art Community – a pretty little region based on the RL original in California. We have rented a unit there, which is a shop in name only – as always, nothing is for sale and there are no tip jars.
Please stop by and say hello. If you are an SL time lord, you will find LG Carmel Art in your Tardis database – along with all our other locations. If you hold a Bellisserian Passport and collect visa stamps from destinations around Second Life, watch out for a new stamp soon for our Carmel location.
While you're there check out the various artists' galleries (including the cute little beach cabanas) and the proprietors' very own Robert McFarren Gallery and Carmel Art Gallery (currently featuring an excellent show called The Art of Science by Kisma Reidling).
Our directory board is in place connecting you to our collections and special exhibitions. There's also a board to subscribe to our mailing list, which every week will send you a link to the latest edition of Limoncello News and occasional other information about special events. Including, of course, the ART UNBOUND series of pop up exhibitions co-produced with our friends at Infinite Productions. Carmel's owners are still quite new to Second Life but theirs is a wonderful addition to the SL art scene that we are happy to support.
One of the first fruits of our new venture at Carmel was that we found a new artist for our collections. Pisces, by Jaelle Faerye now hangs on the Lower Deck of the Airship Limoncello in Nanga. It is one of a zodiac series and, as it happens to be Dave's, Fen's and our founder's star sign was the obvious choice.
The daughter of an RL oil painter, Jaëlle grew up in an artistic environment in France. She is currently an Artist In Residence at Carmel Arts Community and has a showroom there for the year of her residency. It's right opposite our new office and was the first place we found when we set out to explore after finishing our fit out.
Our next new acquisition is also very special. "Lagos" by Maria Montgolfier is the only example of this artist's work in SL. Dave met her mother through a mutual friend while out sailing and she spoke of her daughter's talent and showed him the painting. He loved it, she donated it (thanks, Anna May, for the kind gift) and moments later it was hanging here – also on the Lower Deck of the Airship Limoncello. It's a wonderful portrait; we hope you will enjoy it as much as we do.
FionaFei is one of our favourite SL artists and someone whose work we are delighted to have in our collection. It features on the mezzanine floor at the Main Gallery in Sirinial, and also here and here aboard the Airship Limoncello in Nanga.
Fiona currently has a huge installation at the DixMix Gallery called ShuiMo – Spring. It hasn't been determined yet how long it will remain there, but it should be in place for at least a couple of months.
As explained in the notecard to her ShuiMo piece at our gallery,
Shui Mo, meaning "ink" in Chinese, is an art gallery and a series of installations called the "Shui Mo series" that I have created in the style of Chinese ink brush painting, depicting a common theme or landscape seen in many traditional Chinese paintings.
We love our own ShuiMo example, but the installation at the DixMix Gallery is on a monumental scale. It looks amazing and is well worth a visit.
Don't forget that the first ART UNBOUND exhibition - Mirages on the Mother Road ends this week. Don't miss your last chance to visit. Until next week, Limoncello Friends, stay arty!
thank you very much for the information about Fiona's installation at Dixmix Gallery. Your support is highly appreciated!
Best regards,
Posted by: Violet Boa-Pr | 04/21/2021 at 12:26 PM
Limoncello continues at an astounding pace! So much collecting & exhibiting from such a (once!) humble gallery! :)
Keep up the lovely work!!
Posted by: Vaneeesa Blaylock | 04/21/2021 at 08:00 PM