Edition 20
It's hard to believe that we've published so many editions of the Limoncello News but here is the twentieth. It has evolved from a notecard distributed to our Limoncello Friends group, to a web-based weekly. We merged with the BBB Gazette, then de-merged. We began by telling you what new artworks we'd bought. Then to write about exhibitions we'd visited and occasionally about the artists in our collection.
Our ambitions are humble and our objective is clear. Our home is in Bellisseria and we are non-commercial – even at our mainland annexe. We compete with no-one. This is not a journal of SL art – others write those and we're happy to be their readers. Ours is a private collection, open to the public. It simply seemed selfish to own art in a world where security and insurance are not an issue, but not let others enjoy it! We don't have a tip jar and the only gifts we ever accepted (and we didn't solicit those) are art works.
Most land owners in SL (even if they do offer rentals or solicit donations) know they must expect to spend their own money to build something they love. They are usually happy for others to enjoy it too. That's the spirit of SL. There are those who make a living here by providing commercial content. Good luck to them and we are happy to be their customers. But that's not who we are.
You are always welcome at our gallery and we love to chat with you about the art and whatever else comes up. We ask nothing of you – not even the chat if you don't feel like it – so relax, enjoy the art and please feel at home. As for the Limoncello News, if you ever have a story to tell or pictures to share that might be of interest to our readers, please don't hesitate to send your copy and/or images to Fenella.
The most extraordinary thing in Second Life® at the moment is Borderless Pt. 2 by Gem Preiz. It's reviewed at Art Korner so we won't go into detail about it here. It's an installation with a series of enormous rooms, each on a different theme. You'll need to set your graphics to Ultra (no shadows) and use Shared Environment. Here are some photos Fenella took on her visit there. They will give you an idea but they can't come close to replicating the experience, which changes constantly. Seconds after each of these shots, they would have shown something different. You really need to visit yourself.
We are cautious about adding 3D art because we husband our prims very carefully but as Ferraristi (you may have noticed Dave's California outside the Limoncello News Office and Fenella has a 599 in inventory) we couldn't resist Cavallino Rampante, by qutsal.alex, which is now in the ground floor lobby of the LG Tower. He actually called it "Prancing Horse", but it so much resembles the Ferrari emblem (and Dave's tattoo thereof) that we thought the name just sounded better in Italian.
Thus Yootz has an exhibition in progress at the Kondor Art Gallery, where we bought Red Dawn. It now hangs on the 11th Floor of the LG Tower.
Until next week, Limoncello Friends, stay arty!