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October 2021

Edition 42: Unseen Beauty by Guille, in association with Kimika Ying | Vroum Short | Nessuno Myoo | Kraven Klees


Unseen Beauty - scientific photography by Guille 04.54.13
Current resident artist Xia Chieng recommended that Guille contact us about his amazing scientific photography. Under his RL name Antonio Guillén, he currently has an exhibition (with the participation of Jesús Rocandio and Kimika Ying) at the Casa de las Ciencias in Logrono in Spain. He is a teacher and has received several awards in Spain for his work. These include the most important education award Giner de los Ríos and the national prize for scientific photography. In 2012 a group of his students was awarded the first prize in their category at the Google Science Fair.

El Universo en una Gota de Agua_001
click to enlarge

Dave visited the laboratory – El Universo en una Gota de Agua – that he and his friend Kimika have built at Reykjanes and was impressed. Most of the images are of microscopic organisms; living things never meant to be seen by human eyes. They themselves have no way to see each other and yet, extraordinarily and pointlessly, they are beautiful.

Dave's first reaction was that, if he had been told the photographs were of abstract artworks, he would have believed it!

This show presents beautifully-crafted scientific photographs, not for their educational or informative value (though they also have that of course) but as art. The arts and the sciences are traditionally considered separate. We often make our children choose between them on their educational paths but this exhibition proves they can – and do – overlap. As Guille says;

This has been a constant effort in my life, to show that knowledge is all one, be it Art, Science, Philosophy or Poetry.

Guille's photographs are accompanied in the exhibition by 3D models of some of the organisms made by his friend and collaborator Kimika

The opening party for this amazing exhibition will be at 3pm SLT on November 4th and an invitation is enclosed with this issue of Limoncello News. DJ Suzen Juel will provide the music in her inimitable style. 

We hope you will join us for that. The exhibition will continue until the end of January next year.


"Out" A Little Tribute To Jurij A. Gagarin's Flight by Nessuno Myoo
Installation by vroum Short

There is some wonderful work on show around the grid at present. We visited La Maison d'Aneli and particularly enjoyed the works of Vroum Short (of VeGeTaL PLaNet Gallery) and Nessuno Myoo in their current exhibitions there. Please click the images above to view them full-size. 

We also visited the BOSL Main Gallery to see the current exhibition by Kraven Klees (see New Acquisitions, below). 


Both of our two new pieces this week were bought from Kraven Klees at the current exhibition at the BOSL Main Gallery. They are called Fractalman and Fairy #2 and are now to be found on the 17th Floor of the LG Tower at our annexe in Nanga on the mainland continent of Satori. They join Lady in hat, Acoustic, Posing Nude and Painted Beauty in our collection of Kraven's works. 

Until next week, Limoncello Friends, stay arty!

Edition 41: ART UNBOUND ReConstruct | Exploring the Metaverse | Aruba DeCuir | New Acquisitions


8CB37E0E-7A35-4A74-BCC7-305D96146A84The opening party for ReConstruct was a great success. DJ Viv gave us two hours of period music to match the 1940s/1950s theme including some songs that reflected the pre-apocalyptic, dark humour of a tougher generation than our own. Cate Infinity of Infinite Productions, Dave of the Limoncello Art Gallery and their guests danced among the exhibition’s artworks in the bombed-out ruins of a building in Tempelhof on a remote, forgotten German island. 

If you were not there you missed a great party but the exhibition continues until November 7th. Enjoy the art on offer while scrambling around in the rubble. Just a small clue to make things easier for you — the stairs are outside and the ladder to the very top level is scripted. 


It has been a big week for parties. I am Free and DJ Denard Henry staged a musical event at the LG Tower on Tuesday at 1pm SLT among the exhibits at A Girl’s Best Friend; I am Free's current special exhibition and a great time was had by all who attended. The event was also live-streamed.

"Exploring The Metaverse" is a special series from the Sonic Seeker group; finding and sharing art, special installations or other interesting locations in SL and staging eclectic electronic music soundscapes curated by Denard Henry for each event.

The exhibition continues until the end of November, so do be sure to go along and check it out. 


We are regular visitors to Aruba DeCuir's art gallery. She now has 170 of her own artworks on display there, having added three new ones this week. 

Aruba kindly showed Dave around and posed for a picture in front of the three new works, which she says;

...have been bubbling for a while...

They are on display in her main gallery, but she also has two other small annexes in galleries near the main entrance, one of which currently features her exhibition Pink Noise. We have several of Aruba's distinctive works in our permanent collection and always enjoy visiting her gallery to see what she's been up to recently. 


Thanks to our former editor Fenella our space crisis has been averted. She decided to leave Second Life® but has kept her Premium Account in order to donate her tier to the gallery. So our programme of acquisitions can continue and our collection can keep growing. 

As we thought we had no space however, we bought no art this week. Watch this space for news. If you have suggestions for acquisitions, we are open to those.

Until next week, Limoncello friends — stay arty!

Edition 40: Art Unbound - Reconstruct | Exploring the Metaverse | Stephen Venkman | Caly Applewhyte | Bif Mopp | CioTToLiNa Xue |


ReConstruct ART UNBOUND #3
The third ART UNBOUND pop-up gallery is coming soon, brought to you by Infinite Productions in partnership with the Limoncello Art Gallery.

The show is called Reconstruct and is in the post-war ruins of Tempelhof in the Ceiram Region of Second Life®. The opening party is at 7pm to 9pm SLT on Sunday, October 17th and will feature music from Manx Wharton and DJ Vivienne Dufaux. Dress code is formal and/or 1940's - 1950's wear. Our partner in ART UNBOUND, Cate Infinity, throws some of the best parties in SL and we hope that as many of you as possible will join us!

The show features art by Esta Republic, Cate Infinity, Lux Chiantelle, I am Free, TheGhostOfGhost, Tallulah Winterwolf, Kaela Kilara, Hermes Kondor and Traci Ultsch. Some is new work for the show and some is on loan from the Limoncello Gallery's permanent collection for the duration of the pop-up. 

Reconstruct opens on October 17th and will run until November 7th. As usual, there will be a special event stamp to collect at the pop-up gallery for holders of the Bellisseria Passport. 


1012 servizio ADRIANO ZANNI's photo - den's flyer

I am Free, the artist behind our current special exhibition called A Girl's Best Friends at the LG Tower, and Denard Henry are staging an event on October 19th, 2020 at 1pm SLT. All readers of the Limoncello News will be most welcome. Here's your taxi.


For personal reasons, we have closed our editorial office in Port Emyniad. If you are an artist looking for a great location for a gallery (and a kind, wonderful landlord in Bijoux) we recommend you enquire about the vacancy there as soon as possible! We will miss being there very much.


Fenella Allen, who has edited the Limoncello News since it was a weekly notecard newsletter in-world, has left Second Life®. Our owner, Dave, has taken over the role of editor.


The pace of acquisitions will have to slow for the rest of 2021 as our current special exhibitions take up most of our available prims. We need to keep the remaining allowance free for operational eventualities. However, we couldn't resist a final splurge. All the new acquisitions are on the 14th Floor of the LG Tower.

The first is A splatter of light, by Stephen Venkman. It was acquired from his current exhibition at the Carmel Art "community", where Stephen's home gallery is our neighbour. The second is another from the Geisha in the Soul series, by Caly Applewhyte, to add to Geisha in the Soul - 04, which hangs on the 3rd Floor of the LG Tower. This one is titled Geisha in the Soul - 10. We try to ensure our collection contains a wide representation of artists working in SL and it's rare for us to buy more than one from the same series. However, these are wonderful artworks and we simply failed to resist. It is a personal collection, after all, so all the parameters we set ourselves can be waived at will!

Third is Approaching Airship, by Bif Mopp – an aviation artist in RL whose work is currently exhibited at Elven Falls. Dave had the pleasure of giving Bif a tour of the Airship Limoncello recently. Apart from explaining its history as the original home of our gallery, Dave also told him of a trip he is planning in RL to take a pleasure cruise on a Zeppelin. We think he now understands why our friend AmandaT Tamatzui thought this artwork of his was a good gift for Dave and we thank her for it!

Our final acquisition this week (and perhaps for a while) is IL FUMO UCCIDE, by CioTToLiNa Xue. We are big fans of CioTToLiNa's sculptures and wish we had the available prims to exhibit more of them. You can see more of them at her gallery.

Until next week, Limoncello Friends, stay arty!

Edition 39: visions of an aspie | A girl's best friends | In my mood | Mistero Hifeng | Paula Cloudpainter | AmandaT Tamatzui


The Limoncello is home to a personal collection of art, dating back to our founder's early days in SL. The first item was bought in 2007. The most recent was bought today. We've always held special exhibitions occasionally. Our pace is leisurely; they run for three months or more, rather than the usual month elsewhere. 

The most recent such exhibition is: Visions of an Aspie by Xia Chieng. We thank those of you who attended the opening last Monday. We hope you enjoyed the party as much as we did!

visions of an aspie
Guests dancing at the opening party for "visions of an aspie", an exhibition of paintings by Xia Chieng

Xia's exhibition continues until December 31st. Don't miss it. It's amazing and features several new works shown for the first time in Second Life®.

Also in progress until December 31st is A girl's best friends, by I am Free. Each panel on display is a slideshow of images, so be sure to see them all. 

At the Jishnu Room for special exhibitions at our home gallery in Bellisseria, the Amona Savira retrospective has come to an end. We thank our good friend Jo (JMB Balogh) for lending us her collection of Amona's work. We are in discussions with two artists about a new exhibition in that space.

The longest-running special exhibition in our history is In my Mood by Eylinea Seabird. It will continue indefinitely until Eylinea comes up with a new installation to replace it. We are in no rush. We still love it and visit it regularly.

You can find the SLURLs to take you to all current special exhibitions in the sidebar. 


New acquisitions
Dave with some of this week's new acquisitions

This week there are four new artworks to be seen on the 14th Floor of the LG Tower. They are Woman in worship, by AmandaT Tamatzui (the SL avi of RL painter Amanda Tomasoa),  cloud sea stone, by paula cloudpainter, Blue reflets in the night, by Ourane NuevaVida (ourane), and Nemica Mia, by Mistero Hifeng.

The first was bought from Amanda's current exhibition at Elven Falls (go straight down the street of galleries from the arrival point and it's on the right). The second was bought from Paula's current exhibition at the Janus Gallery. The third was bought from Mistero directly at his gallery.

Amanda is a close friend of Dave and Fenella and her joyous, uplifting work already features in our collections. Mistero Hifeng is one of the most famous artists in Second Life® and needs no introduction here. Paula's watercolours however were new to us. We saw them at her exhibition's opening party and liked them well enough but needed to return and look again quietly to appreciate them. We are glad we gave them a second look – and yes, there's a moral to that story! We bought Ourane's painting at her debut exhibition, now running at the excellent Tango with Nottoo dance club, where Fenella danced the tango at her vernissage

Until next week, dear Limoncello friends, stay arty!